Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

el1HdpeuntoDeuation. m}'felfemore efleth ;ty then h err. tofore. Makenieto confider ferioully,rha allpaineand griefe is but the fruito fume, andthat asall lick seffe natural- lymakes way fot death,fo death(in it felfe ) is the forerunner ofeternal! condemnation. Blare this thought andthismeditation fovnto mee, that I may makeit my firlt care ( now in this vifitation) to feeke peace andal. finance of reconcilement with thy Maiefiy : Tothis endglue mea deepe touchand a fenfiblevuderftandingof my finnes by-paft, takefrommeeall guileoffpirit, all difpoftíontoflatrek orto boothvpmy.felfe, ortoleffenei- therthe number or:quality of mine iniquities.Caufe meeueweobreak 'arid ploughvpmyheart, to fearchandro try mywayes,that fooutoftheabun- danceofmy feeling, I maypoureoun amolt lentifiilland fngiere-confefsi- on before thee. Let mee remember it tobe invaine, to feeketobide that fromthee, which thou(before whom all thingsare nakedand open) doelt know more fully and mom'direOly then myfelfe ; andthatthedifcouery and laying openofmyfinnes, is the nextway to find thymercy in forgit uingthem. Adele withal! that ftrength vntò my (cant andfmoaking Faith, that may, amid the fight of mine ovt!ne tranfgrefsions, lay holdvpon the'Me- rit andfulneffeof mySauioure Make mee heartily todifclaime. all hope of helpebymyfelfe, or anyotherCreee Lure in heauenor Earth whomfoe: tier, and to cart all my burden vpon him, who by himfelfç bath purged flute, andwhole death is anabfolute and an all-fufficicnt ftcrifice for the guilt ofallbeleeuers. Oh that I may ferle my felfe knit and vnited unto him: fo (hall I, in andbyhim, bee prefcntedblameleffeto thy Maieftie. And becaufe( OLord) I am full ofimperfeftions, and there is inmy nature muchweakenefle ,- andagreat deale offrowardneffe and readfneffé to repine and rebel' againft thyordi= nance,therefore furnillt mee with ne- celfary oil Prayer morefpeeialy fitted to the Rate andescafionsof aficke perfonti ®Moll, merciful! and gracious God thou, whole prouidence anreheth into the malt.with- drawne dncfolitary;places, andwhich caufeft thebeaniesofthy fauourto fhineeuen vpon chiefe 'inners, vóuchfafe tocall thy compafsionateeye vpon thineaf- /lifted creature, whomthou haftlaid vpon this bedoffrcknes.Iuft,O Lord, itis withthee thus rochaftenme: nay, ifthou fhouldeft crufh my body into manypeeces, and fuddenly plunge me intohell, it were no more thenmy duedefert. Wbataftained firmeram I by natute,lrrptofall goodneffe,and eafetobedwrought voto any, euen hevilefttrill? Whit aworld of trefpaffes haue beeh,Gnpe committed by mee, not- withf}ànding the, greatneffe ofthy patience, and the variety of good méanes whichthou haft vfed both to informe and guidemeunto godltneffe? Iwill not therefore (OLord) I dare not, I cannot pleade againft thee. It is any duty rather to magnifie thy mercy i who art pleafed fo mildly andfo fatherly tocorrea me ',it being free to thy iuftice; tocut meoffasan care ofCorne,andto gtiueme ouer to theprinceofdarkenefle, and to leaue meforeuer to that wofull kingdome ofeternal!mifery. Vnworthy I am (I molt willingly confeffe) becaufe ofmy formerflack- nelle, and coldneffe in this duty of callingupon thyName, tohaue any (mall acceffe into thy prefence. Yet Peeingthouart wonteuermore to re_ fpeftthetruthof thine ownepromife, then the deletes ofthofe which pray unto thee; therefore I befeech thee, which arepleafed tocall thy Idle The bearer ofPrayers, rohearken vnto the hartyandvnfained defireofmy foule. Sanfuulevaro mee(O Lord )thispre- fent fickneffe, letitbeasthy fchoole, io Which Imay truely learnetoknow 710