Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

730 eA'Helpe ztn ceffary graces , andwith all fach gifts as thou knoweft tobe fitfor my pre- fent cafe. Endue me withpatience to beare whatfoeuer it (hall bee thyplea_ fare to fay vpon me, and meekely to fubmit my felfe to thymoft wife ap- pointments : Affure mee that thou whichknowell whereofI am made, and that I am but duff, wilt not op_ prllémee with more thenthoufhalt give mee flrength and power to en- -dire. Let menot defirelife,otherwife thenfoe the father aduahcement of thyglory. Subdue in mar all lone and #kingofthisptefent world,grantthat thehope óf the glory which fhallbee ibewedheereafter , may be fo flrong within mee, that ad thingsmay feeme vilevnto meein comparifoo thereof. Makettie comfortably capableof the aduite and counfell of my Chriflian friends, whichin their loue fhall goe about to refrefh my foule. Make meable alfoto fpeake profi- tably and for good to chore that be- long vnto me. Put upon itee, and in tle,charitableaffe&ions& thoughts, to,andconcerningothers, beingrea- dy tofadsfiewhere I haue failed, and toremit, euen where I hauereceiued the_greateft wrong. Prepareme tomy Jail confii&, and ftrengthen me again4Satans affauks, that in defpight of his malice, yetI may ílillholdmee fait by thee,and re- folue, though thoùflay me,yet totruft vponthee. And becaufe- (fuch is thy great goodneffe tovs thyPooreCreatures) fickneffe Bothnot alwayesexercife his fatftrength vpon our bodies : there- fore giuemee (I befeeeh thee) that wifedome tomake vieofeuery brea_ thing,and ofeuery littletime of cafe which thou doeít affordmee, that in it.I may gather Iirength againil the timesofgreateranguifh. Bring dill into my minde, thofe things which I haue from time to time learnedby thyword, that there- byI may bequickned,and findecom- fortinmygreateft need. And alwaies (OLord)asthe timeofdeparture that approach,fo let my fouledrawrieerer toDeuotion. vnto thee, my heart powerfully cry_ Mg,when fickneffefhal takeaway the vfeofmy tongue, Into thy hands Icom- mendmySpirit. Come Lord Fefu, come quickly. And when death hath par- ted my foule from my body, letthy Angels (which doe alwaies by thy appointments itchtheir Tentsabout thy Seruants , conuey it into that placeofeefl, which thebloòdofthy Sonne bath prouided and purehafed for thy chofes. ; TowhichthySonne, with thy (elfe and thy blellèd Spirit, bepraife and tharikfgiutng, now and .euerinore, Amen. eíttthevery pointof death. LALordGodofmy faluation, who haft thy dwelling on high, and yet abafeft thy felfe to behold the things in heaven and earth, vouch- fafe ( I moft humbly pray thee) to takenotice of the fighesandgroanes ofthypoorevnworthySetuant. The fnares ofdeath have conìpaffed mee, and the griefes of the graue haue caught mee. I am weakened, and fore broken, mine eye is forrowfull through mine afIli&ioa,mybonesare vexed,myheart panteth, my iirength faileth tuee, and is dried vp like a pot-£heard, my tongue cleaueth'to my iawes, thine arrowes haue light vpon mee, and haueeuen drunkevp mySpirit. Iambrought to theGates ofchepir, and to theduftofdeath; I fee that mine habitation is depar- ting, and isin remoouiggfrom mee likeaShepheards Tent, thouart euer ready to cut oft my life like a Wea_ uer. The pangs whichare upon mee are vnfpeakable: ifmyItrength were the Itrength offtones , or my fíefhof bralfe, I couldnot continueto endure them. Beforetheetherefore, O thoumoth gracious Father, doe Ipoure out my whole delire for tothee do I declare mypaine : forfake me not,OLord,be notthou farrefrommee, myGod,my hope iseues in thee. Thoumakeft the wound, andbmdeft itvp : thoufmi- telt,