Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

eílHelpe untoVeuotion. teft,and thyhands makewhole : thou depriued mee of fpeech, yet then let brringef} downe to the graue,and thou thyfpirit withinme makerequeft for rail Prvp. me with fighesand grones,which can- Oh ponder mywords, and looke notbe expreffed, euer crying, Lord Ie- vponthe forrowfull fighingsof mine f receiue my fettle, O Lord receiue my affli&"edfoule: poure theoile of glad- Jfirit. And fo( Lord) letdeath beeto nee into my bruifed fpirit : as the me, euenas the Angellwas to Peter, a ffrengthofmybodydothdecreafe,fo guidetoleademeoutofprifon into li= makethe feelingofthy loueinChrift berry, a meffenger fent from thee to Iefusto encreafér affure my foulethat conueymeefrom this vale of teares, thouhailcaftall myfinnes behindthy into eternall blifie: and that for his backe; and thatthere is a firme and fake, who bath fweetned the graue vnalterable peace made betwixt thee with his owne body , and deflroyed and me, by thydeaneSon, who is the death, by fubieeting himfelfe vnto Princeofpeace. Let thyfpirit witnes morralitie, andnow fits at the right tomy fpirit, that the flingof death is hand ofthythrone, euenIefus Chrift, puld out, and theheadof himwho the very anchor of my foule, and the hadthe dower ofdeath,that is the di- fuuhdation and Ilaffe of my hope, uell,fo bruifed, that neither of thefe Amen. Ihallbring any the leafi annoyance to myfoule : that I may,in a kindofho_ Adireíliox forchopwho de/remperform ly manner, triumph ouer themboth, the,Chrifiianday ofPram,on the he- andfay,'Odeath, znhereie thyfling ?Oh halfeofa fekefriendorneighbor gram, oh bell, wherercthy vi¿1or), ? whom theycome tovifit.. Rebuke Satan, I befeech thee,that he may not interrupt my comfort, e ]E arevnworthy(O Lord) nor fteale from mee thofe gracious Vito fpeakvntothy Maiefty, pledges ofthy loue which thou haft v either for our feines-or o. glum me. Cleare theeiesofmyfaith, them yet this duty lying that I may euen fee(with Stephen) the vponvs by command, and having, a heavens open,and theSonneof man promifeofhearing annexedthereun- fendmg at thy right hand ready to ro,wearebold inÍefusChrifltocoin. receiue me. Giveme that inwardioy mend vnto thee the weake efiate of in the holyGhofl, and that comfor- thisthySeruant. tabletafte ofthe powersofthe world All ficknesis fromthee,and tothee to come, that I may euen forget my belong the iffues of death. Thoukil_ prefentengulfh, and may quietlyen- left,and thou makeftaline:thóubring_ dureall for that infinite happineffe eft downe to the graue, andthou rai_ which is fit before me. Let me euen felt vp:towhom thatwegoin thisand long for my appointed time, as the other our necefsities, but 'onelyvnto Servant longeth for the fhadow, and thee?wecouldwilh(O graciousGod) astheHirelinglooketh for theendof the continuance ofhis Chriftian fel_ hisworke:letthis life be vile before Jowilmip, the lengthnmngand enlarging me in comparifonofeternaillife : and of,hisdaies s butwe willingly fubieft although the focietie of my friends our willsto thydetermining. Thou, bath beene, and yet isfweet vnto me, Lord,knoweftwhat isbeft andthere- yetfo fixe myheart, Ipray thee, vpon unto makevs,webefeechthee,willing- thefellowlhip of the Spirits of iufl ly& readily tofubfcribe, and to defire andperfitmen, which are in heaven, bothhis lifeandour owne,onlyfofar that mywhole deliremay be towards forthasmay bee for his andour fur- it. And whenthefe increaring throes ther good in the more diligent and andpangs, there faint and confuming zealous aduancement of thy+glory. fitswhich are now come vpon mee, Frame himalío, wepray thee, vnto Mall haue enfeebled my tongue,and the likeyeelding: and fo blelfetohim this 731