73L c.ÎHelpe vnto Devotion. this vifkation, that byithe may bee car letfetothewthemfelues thankfull more and more humbled in the fight when mercyis beftowed. Makemee of hisowne finnes, and may increafe as defirous to come unto thee with withal! in anvnfainedandlongingde- this facrificeofpraife,asIwasready' fireafter Chrift. tobegcafe and refrelhingin the day Enlighten hisBien, that hee may ofmygreat necefsity. knowwhat is thehope of his calling, Thouhaft chaftnedmee(Ograd- andwhat is theexceeding greatneffe ous God) andcorrefted me,but thou ofthy mercy and powertowards all haft not giuenme ouervnto death. I lookedto hauebeene clean depriued of the refidue of my yceres,-and thoughtI Mouldhaue feene manno more among the Inhabitants of the world butit wasthypleafure to de- linermy foule from the pit of corrup- tion. Ohwhat íhall Irender vetothee for this and all other thy benefitsto- wards mee ? Oh how and by what manes fhall Ithewmy felfe thankful! to thyMaiefty? I haue nothing (O Lord) to ren= derthee butthecakes ofmy lippes: accept myuruice (I befeechthee) in IefasChrift : and let not the memo- ry of this thy kindneffe die within mee, butgrant that I may often re. countthymercy, working therewith vponmineowneheart, and applying it as an effeluall motiue to obedi- ence. Make mee euer mindful! ofthe vowesand promifes which I made in my fsckneffe, to ferue thee more faithfully then heretofore, thatÍ may make confcience to performe them, knowing that thou delighteft not in fooles : and that by mynegleft here- in , I !hall lay my felfe open vetoa beleeuers. Stengthen his faith, that he may with it (vtterly renouncing himfelfe)lay fait holdvponthe merits ofour onelySaviour. Protect him againft Satan, blunt the edgeof hisaffaults, thatthey may neuer wound him to defpaire. Re- moue fromhim a dull fpirit,and all fe- cureand hardnedthoughts,all world- lydefires,all tingingafter thedecei- uingfweetnesofthere earthlythings. Gluehim patience tobeate, andcon- ftancy toendure whatfoeuer it (hall be thy pleafure to infliet. Vouchfafe him comfort in confcience, ioyin the (pint, peace in beleeuing, together with fetledandwell groundedexpo- &ation ofeternal! life and fakation by thySonne. Grant to vs tender and feeling hearts,thatbothhisforrowesand the griefesof other thy : Seruants may be apprehendedby vs, asiftheywere ourowne.Let the word ofgracebe in our lips, thatwe may beable to(peak holly, roundly, andcheerefully tothe comfortofhisroute. Teach vs inhim, and inthishoufe ofmourning, to feethe endofvs all, and toiayit toour-hearts, that {owe : greater iudgement. Teachme alfoto may labour tobeprepared forma- laft remember this, that albeit thou haft departure. A ll thefe graces, both for now giuen mefome littlerefpite, yet I -him and for our lases, wee beg in all mull not deceiue my felfe in putting humilityat thymerciful! hands, in the farreoffthedayofmy death,but that name andworthineffe of thybeloued I ought rather to vfe my health and Sonne, calling further on thee, ashee ftrength tothe better fitting,andmore hathtaughtvs in hisword : Our F4- efhftuailpreparing my .felfe thercun- eher, &c. to. Together,with the increâfeofhp. dilyand outward ftrength, inereafe cslrhaake /giuin?forof ckeman, sf Ç'ed in me ftrengthof care to walke with beplofdrefwatrecme!J. thee, and to approve my felfe vnto thee inallholyconuerfation andgod- SsVffer me nor, O Lord, tobee in linefh, being more:zealous in Religi- Othenumberofthofe, whoare for- on, more watchful! over my wales, ward to astein the timeofneed, lsgt more.carneft in1'ráyer, more feruenc in