HelpeTao rr, inSpirit,morecarefulto profitbythy Word,morefaithful) in my place and ea/ling then heretofore, alwaiesloo- kingfor the bleffed hope and appea- ringof Íefus Chrift my Sauiour: to whom with thee and theholyGhoft, let my heart feelinglyand effe&ually give allhonour, praife, might, Maie- f}yand dominion, both nowandfor euer,,lmen: s.4Traverfora womanin timeof her eramettle. OLord, I now findby experience the truthand certainty of thy Word,& thefinart ofthepunifhmenv which thou laidfk upon mee beeing in the Ioynesofmy GrandmotherEra' for my difobedience toward theefi Thouhaft greatly increafd the for rowes of our fexe, and our bearing ofchildren isfull ofpaine. Teachmee bythis, to fee thedefer[ offinne, and togrowinto the hatredàfahatwhich hathbroughtintothe world filch fore ofmifery. Gixenicetrue rcprnticeand par,. donfor my finnespaf, thattheymay not fand at thistime, and inthis my need,betwixt meand thgmercy.Giue 733 e/1Thankigireing after de- ltnery. BLeffedbe thygreat name, Omy molt deare andloving Father, for thy large mercy to mee mof}weake and finfull woman. Thouhaft (hewed thy power in my frailty, andthylolling kindnelfebath preuailed againft my vnworthineffe. Thou mighteft for my Gnnes haue leftmee toperifh in my great extrea- uity : but thouhaft compaffedmeea- bout with ioyfull deliuerance. Mar- uailous (OLord)arethyworkes,infi- nice are thymercies, andmy Souleby prefentexperience knoweth it well.O my foule,praifethoutheLord,and all that iswithinmepraife his holy name My foule praife thouthe Lord, and forget not all his benefits : hee hath heard thyprayers, hebathlooked up- onthy forrow,hee hathforgiuen thine iniquities,.hee hath healedthine infir- mities,he bathredeemedthy lifefrom the graue,hee hatheuen crowned thee with compafsions. Oh glueme,I befeechthee,a thank- full heart, notoriety now, while the memory and fenfe ofthy favour is mea comfortable feeling of thy lone frefh before me,but continually, euçn in Chrift,whichmay fweeten all other folongasI.hauemybeing. pangs, thoughneuer foviolent or ex.. Grant that I maylame bythis eui- treame : Makemee fill ro liftvpmy dence ofrhymercyand might, thee- SosIe unto thee in my'gregreft an- uer hereafter to depend upon thee: gnifli, knowingthat thoualone muft Oàfckénmevptoall holyduties,that plea blefsinggto the ordinarymeanes mythankfulneffe mayappeate inmy for my fake deliuery. Strengthen my pure and Chriftian cariage. wake body to the bearing of what Make meakinde andcareful! Mo- forcowfoeuer,bywhichit(halt feemé ther, willing tovndergoe the pains good vnto theeto take triallofme. andtroubleofeducation : let nonice- Makemeto remember, that how- neffe or curiofitie hinder mee from föéuerit bewithme, yet,I am alwaies 'thofe perukes to which both Nature in thyhand, wholemercies fade not, andReligion haueappointedmee.Let andwhichcanft giueiffuçto the Bgrea- me alfo be carefull hereafter; when teftpraine. AQdwhen thou haft fafely time (Ball require, to feafon that given nice the_expefted fruit ofmy which thou haftgiuenmee; with the woinbe, make mee with a thankefull knowledge ofthee, andofthySonne: heart to confcraie both ir and the re- that my defire.may manifefily ap- liidúrofthylifetomyferuice,through peareto bee fet forthe increafingitf Iefus Chaff my Saniour and Redee- thy kingdome. Vouchfafefotoordí r n7 ,z/Imcn my affeEtions, and to bring them into obedience vnder thee, thatifit V It u fhould