734 e/ÌHelve vnto Detthtion, Mould bee thypleafure eithernow or hereaftertotake this infant fromme, I may patientlyfubmitmyfelfe to thy appointment. Andnow,O good COD, perfitin me thatftrength which thou haft be- gun,makeme togrow in care toferue thee faithfully,bothin thedutiesofpi_ cty,and inotherbufsneffes ofmy place and calling, that I may bee acomfòtt tomy husband, an example to my neighbour, agracetomyprofefsion, anda^meanes ofglory to thy Name, throughIefusChrift myLordandSa- uiour,rA'men.- eft Troyerfor thofe whichareimply. ed intheafffanceandhelpeof atratailingwo man. 1T is not out diligence (OLord) or pains which can doe any thing without thyblelling, andourfinsare fufficient to bring thy curie vpon whatfoeuer wevndertake. Bepleafed,we pray thee, to bee re- conciled to vs in the blond ofthy Son : Makevs to}ememberthat wee are herein thy prefence, and that all our thoughts,words; andactions are open tothy fight: profper thebufines forwhich we are conic together : put far from vs all fuperftitious conceits, and idlefancies, and teachvs to feeke helpe onlyfrom thygrace. Enable.vs to fpeake comfortably vnto this.painedwoman,that we may further her dependance vpon thy ho- ly Maiefty, and may bee a meaner vnder thee of her true refrefhingin her Tharpefl fittest Furnifh vs with skill, and her with .ftrength, pati- ently to waite the appointed timeof her deliuerance and knit all our hearts vntothee, that wee may feare thy Name , noting and obferuing thy Mercy and power in all thy workes, and fludying to giue thee .ptaifeand glory for the fame,through fns Chrift our only LordandSaui.. r,cíjnián, , .. eA' Thankefiei:g after, when godbath ble fled theirpain, in thewomtmr deânery. ¡\ Lord,-wee hauegene thygood ncffe,and haue receiued anappa_ rant tokenof thy rradineffe toheere the prayersof thofe which call vpon thee, andto fuccourthofe whichflie vntothee for thyhelpe. Thou haft giuen cafeand deliùe- rance tothe woman, light andlife to the infant, boy and ladneffetovsall. Theglory andpraife is thinealone:fil our harts with thankfulnes,andmake vs forwardboth nowand hereafterto prouoke& flitvp tine anotherthere_ unto. And let not our thankfulneffe Hand in words onely or outward Thewes, butcaufeit appeare inour wholecourfe s that the obedience,the fobriety, the modefty, the vermeof Our lines, may wirneffe the thankful! feeling ofourhearts. Goe onin thy mercy(we pray thee)both to theMo.. theyand her babe, continue and in. creafe their ftrength, fo as mayferne beft for thy ¿ ^ry. And as. thouhaft added one volto the number of man, kinde, Ihewingthy wonderfullwife- dome and power both in the fra- mingof him in the wombe, and in bringinghim forth into this light:fo in thy time adde him alfo to thy Church,and begethim' againvntoa burly hope,bytheimmortallfiede of thy holy-Word, delivering him from the powerofdarkneflè; (in whichby natureweeare all)into the glorious li- bertyofthy thofes. Andifit 11411 feemefo good to thee, tolay anyfurther trial! either oflick- :Idle, or death vpon thisthy feruant, or upon the fruitofherwombe, pre- parevsal to patient & quiet bearing ofthy hand,& toa contended &com- fortable relling upon thy gracious prouideucesaffuring ourfelues,that all things Ihallturnetcithe good andbe- nefit ofthychofen.Heare vs,O Lord, andaccept vs : Sc forgivingtheweak- nesofour prayers,grane vsall neettfui ;,races, outofthe richflore-ltoufeof thy