ef,hlelpe'hntoDeubtlbn. thy glory. Preferue mec from thofe riotous, lafciuious, and blafpheming courfes, which are thevfuallfruitsof good fucceffe : Let meenot think de- votion tobean enemy to refolution, or thata religious feare.ofthyMaie- fty Bothabate the Spirit that lhould beinaSouldier : butfettle meeinthis, thatthe affuráceofa lawfullcaufe,the hope and confidence of a- better life by the merits;ofChrift, the care to pleafe the and to depend upon thy power, are the onelytruegroundsof valour, whichcangive amanboldnes Undlife in thedayofbattage. Vouch- fafemethere&all otherneedfulfauors in and for.Cbrift leas:fake,Amen. n- 2'rayer foramen trauellingby Seeaboat hic lawfall. brsfineffe. Heauenly Father , unto whole Nfeares the prayerstif humbled finners haue freedome of acceffe out of eueryplace : Let it pleafe thee to encline to being pro_ uokedby mineowne prefent.neede, and taking heart onto my rélfeby thy liberal( and large promifes,doe delire. topouce out my foulebeforethy Ma_ iefty : Here,O-Lord, by reafon ofthe calling andplace, in which it hathbin thy prouidence to rankemee, Iairs comedown tothe feainafhip, and I doenow fee thyworks, audcontinu- ally behold thy wonders in the deep. How eafiea thingit is untothe,when., thoueaifeft aftorme,and liftet} vp the wanes, notonly totolfe :vstoo&fro; and tomakevsftagget likea drunken man,but vtterlyto fwallowvsvp,and toturne vpon our heads in a mo- ment, thebottomeof thefemoouing houfes inwhich weare? Jr is thygreat andexceedingmercy, that therefwel_ lingbillowes,andfoamingforges doe notdrinkevsin; andfomake our bo- dies tobecome as a prey, either to that. great Leviathan, the Whale, whom thou haft made to playheere, onto fome otherofthycreatures,with infinitevariety and troupes whereof this vaft body is replenilhed. But Vnut it thybottomletfebountie, and that for Iefus Chrift our gracious Redeemer, omen. eA?rayerforaSoxldier, fightiaQfce his Country or the eConfderatee thereof ®Lord,it is thy glorytobeecalled TheLordefhofle: andit is thou a- lone, from whom, when men haue madetheirmoft politicke and puiffant preparations;the vietorymuft.be loo- kcdfor. Drawmy heart, I befeech theefrom all relying vpon my owne valor,orupon the Ilrength ofthe bat- tellin WhichIBland : and teachmeto Tookeupward, andto waite andtruft onely vpon thee. Thougineftconducft, andthougi_ ueficourage thoudéliuereff from the perill ofthe Sword , oe elfe makeft deatha .means ofhappineffe to thy feruants. Forgivemy finnes,,I pray thee, andarum .me ofpardonby the witneffeof thy Spirit, that thegilt thereofmake notmy heart to tremble in,mee,andto beholddeathas amef- fengerto conueymeinto hell. !Ifthou (OLord)beeonmy fide, peace being made betwixt thee and my foule throughChrift , what canbeeagainft me, what hazard canbefall my foule ? Nothing (hallbee able todeprive mee ofthy loue.Letnot fpoile,or bloud,or mineownaduancement bee theends ofmine attempts, but make mee to aimeonlyat thy glory in the defence ofthy truth,and in the good andfafe- ty oftheState wherein I liue. Theiffue ofall thingsto thee (Oh Lord) is known, butto manit is hid- denaprepareme therefore indifferent- ly to whatfoeuer Ihall befall mee. IfI die, ginemee comfort in myhaft beta- thing,and takemy foula into thygra_ cioushands:If h. be takencaptiue,giue apee patience, fliuemeewifedome and godlycourageto doe nothing contra- ry to the honourofmy Countrey or prejudicial to theprofefsionofa faith- full Chriftian. IfIreturn withlifeand v;ftory, make mee thankfull : keepe we fromtaking from thee anypart of 75'