736 e/lHelpe untoDeuotion. iriseuen thou(Omighty Lord)which whichI amnow ready tovow inmy laydft the foundations of the earth, necefsity.Make mealwaies to takeas and which didftfluxvp the feawith great.delightto fernthee,as I amnow doores: thou didft firft gather thefe forward to aske, anddefirous tore_ waters togetherasupon an heap,and ceiuelifeand fafety fromthee. Heare ftoredit vp the depths in thy tres- meO Lord,inthefe and othermype- fives : though thewanes are marnail- titions,forgiuing myvnworthineffe in ions, though the Bonds liftvp their the merits ofIefus Chrift thybleffed voyce,though the waters rageandbe Son, andmygreatRedeemer,s4men, troubled, and the very mountains flake at the furgesof the fame, yet ATrayerappyedtorbeßareandcondiri_ thou art much more mighty, thou onofamalefattor, condemnedb.ylam fooneappeafeftthe noife, and turneft todie,and drs*ingwere the ltorme intoacalme. to rberimeefhie Looke gracioufly therefore vpon Avocation. me,Ibefeech thee, teachmetovnder- Band the greatneffeofthyterrour,by that fearefulne/fe of thy Creatures whichI doe £till behold;Caufe meeto refsmy hope and comfort vpon the power ofthy mercy, let thatbee the anchorofmyfoule both fureand fted_ fait. Andleft my fins notbeing ppat- doned,fhould bea hinderance& flop- pageofthy fauour, I praythee, fettle in meahearty and vnfained detefta- don ofthem, agodlygriefe and for- row for them,aftedfaft refolutionand purpofe in the whole courteof my lifeto ftriueagainft them. Open my heart, thatI mayoftenand earneftly fue and entreate for thy gracein thy Sonne,and mayneuerglueosier, till I feelein my conference fome comfor- table affurance that thou haft forgi_ uenme. Fit andprepare meeto thine owneappointments : Ifit be thy plea- furethat I Ihould hereend mydayes,I know well,that thefoule which thou keepeft, cannotmifcarry : To thee therefore Iicommendmy fpirit, for- fake me nor, I pray thee, in myfait breathing. Albeit thefewanes mayo- uerwhelme my body, yet let them not beeabletoquench mycomfort,or plunge medown intodefpaire. Grantme euerto lay fail hold vp- onmySautour,that neither fea,death, nor hell may feparare mee from his grace. And if it (hall feeme good vnto thee,tobringmefafe vnto that hauen where I fhouldbe;O thatI mayneuer forgetthy kindnes,butmaymake con- fcience to performe that obedience wOuchfafe (O thou GOD of all Mercy and compafsion) to looke with pitty vpon the molt woefufl cafeofa poorewretch, ready bythefwordofIuftice tobe cutoff,as vnworthy to Hue amongft men, and hkealfo withoutthyfpeedy fauourto be(hutoutofheauen, and tohauemy part in thefeconddeath :Truth, it is OLord, that all this, though it bee grievous, yet is no morethen myde- feet and touching thatbodilydeath, wheretoIam adiudged,I multcotes it tobee thymercy and goodneffeto- ward me,that I haue bin foundoutby theeye oftheMagiftrate,andflopped by the power of authority from go- ing on into further mill. 'I befeech thee, that mydeath maybeeboth a chaftifeu:enttome,and an aduertife- menttoothers,to containethemfelues within the lifts ofciuill obedience. But concerningmy foule, whichis now ere long to appease before the Tribunal! feate ofthy great Maie- fly, I humbly pray thee to be merci_ fullthereunto. I cannot butacknow- ledge,that ifthouglue memy due re- compense, I mute needs be thruftinto thatdreadfull place ofinfinite ande- ternall torment, which thou haftpre. pared for the wicked, the burning wherofisfier&much wood,& which thy breath like a riser of brimftone cloth kindle :neithedee Iin myfelfe or inanycreature, anymeans or pofsibi_ liryto drape. Fearefullonto mebath binthe faceofanearthly,Iudge,&the fentence