Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

aHefpe intoVeuotion, '737 ofdeath tobeeinfli&ed vpon thismy The thcefc,at hisexecution,confc1 honk. ofclay, hathmade myheartto fed his finne,and prayed toberemem- quakewithin we : What thenwillbe- bred in thy kingdome, and thou didit comeofine,wheihIIhallbe arraigned promifehim an entrance into para- beforethee ,atwhoferebukingtheve_ dife. Oh Lord,. are notthefe things ry foundations ofthe earth are difco- writtenfor nrylearning,thatIthorow tiered, andbefore whom no man.li- thecomfort oftheft examples might wingcan be iuftified? Thou (O Lord) hauehope? Hath thy Word fpoken it knoweft all mine iniquities, theyare invain,that atwhat time foeuer a fin_ fcaledvp with thee,as in abagge,they nor fighethvnto thee,thou wiltput all areall noted in thyregiffers:although hiswickednefféfrom beforethee?Shat 'banemany times fought for the co- I thinke that thou wilt callmee being ueringofmy wayes, to hidemy ladenwithmyuins,to comevetothee; felfeinthe darkneffeof the night,cup and then when I comewilt notaccept pofingthat no eyeIhould feemet, yet me? Make(mee I pray-thee) tofeethe thou haft Rill compaffed my paths, depth ofmyfin,that Imaynotbeguile. and been accuftomed to allmy waies, my foule,bylelléningeither the weight there hath not been, a thought in my ornumber ofmine iniquities. Worke heart, or a word in mytongue, but meto a true&vndiffembled acknow- thou haft wholly knowneit: Often lodgement&confefsionofthem,caen hatte IPaid inmy heart, Godwill not before others, and they which feemy regard, herhathforgctten, beehideth end and know my rudl, may haue away hisface and willneuerfee,I Thal fome euidence ofmyrepentance, and neuerb cemooned norbee in danger : may learn by mee tobeware, of the Thy word Ihad nodelight to beate, I deceitfulneffe offinne. Enablenice to hatedknowledge,r wouldnoneofthy looke with the eye ofmy faith upon counfel, i fougnr.to damvp the mouth my crucifiedSauiour, carting myfelfe ofiry confcience, that it might not wholly vponhim,and defiring byhim eheckemee: when myfriends admo- tobe hidden fromthywrath.Giue me nichedme, I hated& fcorned theirre- Tometafte ofthyloue, and fomein+ proofe : Thus it wasa paffime to mee ward andferret pledgeof thybeeing todonaughtily,wickednes was fweet reconciledtome forhisfake. in mymouth,I fauonred it,andwould Strengthen meeagainit thefeare of notbe perfwaded toforfake it. Iuftly death : that albeit I haue euery way therefore, O Lord haft thou thus o- ruft caufe totrembleatit, being loth uertaken me,andmade meto eatethe tiredefert ofmy offence tonico, and . fruit ofmine owneway, bringingmee the wagesofmy fin againitthee : yet tobeeafpefltacle to the world, to die hailing fome affurance in my fouled as one of the fouler of thepeopler thatthe flingthereofisplucked out, I Yet, O gracious God, fith there is may embrace it in my bofome, and mercywith thee,and thatthou artve- entertaineitas an end appointed for ry ready to forgiue,be fauourable Iin my mifery, and asa meaner to bring treat thee,, to mee a molt vnworthy me vntohappineffe: finer. Thus,OLord, with fulneffeofde- M.rsaffer being putinfetters, and fire(out ofthe bottomeof thismile.. bound inchains, prayed vnto thee, ry,and rhame which I am fallen into) and, humbled himfelfe very greatly toAye unto thy mercy, and to bee beforetheein his tribulation,andthou íhroudedvnder the thadow of thy waft entreatedofhim : the womanof grace, Í commendmy felfe, my foule Canaan,whomthou ternicli tobeeno and mybody into thy hands, praying better thenadogge, yet thou didltaf_ thee notto raftoffhim, which bath ford her fome ctumrnes ofthy mer- no hope butonly in thee, andthat a.. cy,anddidfLcaufeittobe vntoher as lone, in and by lefus Chrtft myonely Jlreedefired. Lord andSauiour,,fmen. V u ; .4Tray-