738 e1fHelpevnto .`Deuotion. è/i Prayer outof theferime Meditationof theTaff Judgement. l LO Rn, thou haft renegedit in thyholy Word, that thefalhion and figure ofthis World muff paffe away, and that as by appointment we mullall die, fo allówee muft all appeare beforethe judgement feat of Chrift , and that from thence fome fl all got into euerlafting paine,and fome into life cternall. This the A- theifìsandFpicures,and Libertines of the World, doe thinke tobee but a meerefable, They fay in their hearts, TheLordmill doeneithergood nor twill. But yet, O Lord, as thouhaft define- red this in thy Word, (ofwhich one Tote ortittle fhall not perilh) fo thou haft not left it without a fufficient proofe in the very bolbme of euery man: Theaccufingor excufingofour owne thoughts, the fecretcheckesac. - companying thofe euils to which nong is priuy, the flares ofwicked men, whoare continually as one that trauailethof childe, flying oft-times whennone purfüeththem, andbeing chafedat thevery fl:aking of a leafe, are an euident proofe of thy proni_ dence, and a certaine affurantewrit- ten as with the point of a Diamond (which canneuerbe doneout)thatve- rily there is fruit for the righteous, and doubtleffe there is a God that iudgeth the earth. This truth(OLord my God)thouhaft taught meeto be- leeue, and I make no doubt, but it (hall flortly come to paffe. It was faid long finer, that the Iudge did (land before the doore, andthat bee whichfhould come, would comeand wouldnot tarry : and nowtheheight ofiniquityis fuck, and finne is grown to thatperfefrion,thatit cannot [land with thy Iuftice much longer to for- beare. Teachme (1 praythee)as Idoe know and beleeue this, foto make a true and profitablevfe ofmy know- ledge. Letitbeeuerin my thoughts, and in rayheftand moil feriousmedi- rations, when I am about khe prone- neffe of-my corrupt nature to doe euill, let the remembrance hereofbee a bridleto meto reftraine meewhen I =dike by the iniquity ofthe times to fuffereuill amongmen, lettheex- pe&ationofthe rightwhichthou wilt thendoe totheoppreffed, beea com- fort tome torefrefh me.Efpecially,O Lord grant meetokeepe daily (asit were) a priuy Sefsionsintheclofet of mine owne heart, arraigning my felfe before thy Judgement feat, fearching and tryingmywaies,accufingmyfelfe before thee, fromwhom nothing can be hid, confefsing mÿ vnworthineffe, bewailing mycorruptions, fuingwith all inflateearneftnes forthygrace and fauour in thySon. O thatI maylearn thusto iudgemy felfe, that 1 may not be iudgedofthee inthat day. Suffer meenot to flatter myfelfe,or to bleffemy fouleinanyeuill way, or to gotabout tolinde hidings andco_ uerts formy flnnes : in asmuch asall thingsarenaked in thyfight, and that in that great terrible day thou wilt lighten the things which are hid in darknes andmake manifeft thecoun- fell ofall mens hearts. Let meenotimaginethis thy great Sefsion tobee like the courfes among men, in which oft-times by vniuft meanes the vileft offenders doepro- cure efcape:bot makeme toknow,as the truthis, that with theethere isno hopeby corruption,or fauor,or fraud orimportunity offate, tofinde euaf,- ons. Thou artthe Iudgeofthe world, and thou wilt doe right, entry man (hallreceiuethe things whichhaue bin done inhis body, according to,that her hath done,whetheritbeegoodof euill.AndwherasOLord,it isa great griefe tothy feruants, to line among the ungodly, and muff needes vexe their righteous foulesto heare andfee theirvnlawfulldeeds : let this beemy comfort, that thogh it bethypleafure to fuller with longpatience the refills of wrath, and to permit the tares to grow vp with the Wheate vntillthe Harnett, yet then thy Angell frail come,&Thal gatheroutofthyChurch allthingsthat offend, and bring the iuft intothe kingdomoftheir Father. Seeing