Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

e./1Helpe Seeingalto(O graciousGod) that whofoeuerin this worldwillliuegod- ly, thall fuftér, and lye open to the wrongsand iniuries, and reprochesof thewicked: Grantthat ifat any time either myname be put outas euill,or otherwifemyeffate andprofefsion,or life, fortheTruthsfake becalled into queftion, I maypone' ffe my foulewith patience,lookingforthe blefled hope and appearingofthy glory,knowing thatthen the tuft,what difgracesfoe- uer are nowcanuponthem, thal!line as thelight in thy prefence. Finally, O Lord, make me dailyto grow feweary ofthisvaineandwret- ched world,andoftheheauyloadof mine owncorruptions, andofthisbo- dyof death whichis vponme, and to ftriue to gather that affuranceof an intereltin thatglorywhich !hall bee fhewedhereaftei,that Imay [cokefor thisgreat day, andinmy deliires may fighfor it,and haften to it : and that whenfoeueritcòmmeth,l beingfound wakiüg,with my Lampeofoyleinmy hand, may haue caufe to lift vpmy head, not doubting butto haueagra- ciousadmittance intomymatters ioy. Grant methis for hisfake,'which fittcth at thyright hand, to make ré_ quell forme, I efus Chrift theMedia forofthychofen, Amen. Prayerfitted for the time ofWarre. OAlmightie G OD, who art High aboue all Nations, and whole glory is aboue the Heauens, the comfortablefucceffe of all enter- prifes,is from theeonely tobe looked for : Thouart he whichgiueftviétory vato Kings, tothee it is all one tofine bymanyor by few, thou can't make one tochafe a thoufand , thou can't taufe thehearts earnof the moftvali- anttomelt,their hands tobe weake, their mindsto faint, and their knees tofal awaylike to water.Ifthou fight forvs,we cannotmifcarry : ifthoufa- vourvs no,wemuff needsbe difcom_ fired. O be gracious vnto vs, andbe onour Gde,now that menare rifenvp ntoDëurti.;n. 7 againftvs. They takeCrafty counfell again£[thy Church, and confult how tocutvs offfrom beinga Nation, and bywhat meanstoqucnch the lightof thytruth, which fhines inour ftreets: Their deliire is toembrue their hands in ourbloud,andto aduancetheirown ambition byour ouerthrow. O turne their counfels intofoolifhneffe, letnot their mifchieuous imaginations prof_ per,left they be tooproud: OourGod make them likevnto a wheele, and as the Hubble before the wind, !caner thepeople that delight inwarre. Go out, O Lord,with our Armies, giue wifdomeand couragetoourCap- rains, gird themwith ftrength vnto thebattell, bewithout Souldiers, tea- ching their hands to warre,and their fingerstofight : Afsift all the conful_ tations,profper the policies, crowne thofe enterprifes with good fucceffe, which arevndertaken for the com- mon good and comfort ofthe State. Doubtleffe, OLord,we haue deferued thine anger, and our firmes doe cry loudin thine cares for vengeance: and it were butiu'hwith thee,ifthou fhol_ deft makevs a prey & fpoile vntoour enemies:. But, O graciousGod, letvs fall now into thy hands, for thymer- ciesare great, and let vsnot fall into thehandsofmen,whofe difpleafureat vs is notfor ourfins, but for our pro- fefsionandreligions fake, & thatthey may fill their own enlarged andvnfa tiable delires with thofeblefsings of wealthwhich thou haltgiuen vs : Put therefore thyhook intotheirnoftrils, and bringthemback bythe fame way they came. Let itappeare that thou art inthe midn ofvs,and thatwe(hall not be moued, thatthou wilt helpvs, andthat veryearly: Letthere benone inuafion, norgoingout, normcrying in our ftreets : But fet thou peacein ourborders; makeftrong the barsof ourgates, efpecially lettheGofpellof. thySonne found yet louder amongfh vs, that by it many foules maybega. thered veto thee. So we thy people &the fheepofthypaflure, (hall praife thee foreure, and fromgeneration to generationwe wilifcrforth thy glory, through