Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

740 eXHelpe`vntoDeuotion. through Iefus Chrift our Lord, and land. Lookemercifully,O Lord, upon onely Sauiour, eAmen. vs,webefeech thee,lift vpthine hand, forget not the poore. , Thou prepareft forthe Rauen his meat when his Birds cry vnto thee, wandring forlackeoffood ; thou ta- keft nodelightin the confufronofthy Creatures,thou haftpromifed, thatif wefeekto thee,welhallwant nothing thatisgood, thou wilt prefer= vs in the timeofdearth,and in thedaies of famineweflanhaue enough.Accom- plifh (we befeechthee) theft thygra- cious promifes: Sauevs from this en. creating mifery, anddeliuer vs from theircrueltie, whichbein withoutall bowelsof mercy,doe refpeetnothing buttheirowne commoditie. Andbe_ caufe,OLord,ourfins do feparatebe- twixttheeand vs,and dohindergood thingsfromvs; therefore humbleour foules vnder thymighty hand, make vs to feeand toconfider ourowne de- feruings,draw from vs anhearty and frncereacknowledgement, howgreat caufewe haue glum thee to affamilh bothour bodiesand foulesfor euer. Giue vs an vnderftandingof our particular groffe fins, which do layvs open to thisiudgementaboueothers Namely, our wantonnelfe, our pride, ouiluxurioufnes, ourriot, our feafting withoutfeare, our want of mercyto the poore,our fpurningwith theheele againftthee,our forgettingthee inthe daies of ourplenty , but chiefly our lothingof thatfpirituall Manna, that heauenlydiet ofthy facredword,pto, sided inthy abundant mercy forour foules. Omake vs afhamed for theft and other our monftrous finnes, befides thofe perfonal mils wherewithwe are each ofvsiuftly tobecharged. Beget ,.mother ofthe like nature, refpeteing the tote ofdearth and famine. CLeanneffe of teeth (O Lord) and fcarceneffe of bread, haue been anciently threatned by thee, as iudgements vpon the Sonnes of men for their frnnes. Many wales al- fo thou haft to turne a fruttfull Land intobarrenneffe, for thewickednes of the Inhabitants: Thoucanft make the heauenotterour headasbralfe,and the earthvnder vs as iron, by bringing a drought vpon theLand. Orelfe thou canft caufe the feed to rot under the clods, by commanding the bottels of dreauento poure out tamein too great abundance: orwhen thecorneis come vp, thou art abletofmite it withWa- fting andmildew,orto fendamong vs thy great holt, the Gralhopper, the Canker, the Caterpiller, the Palmer Wormer fo that although muchbe Bowen, yet little fhall be broughtinto the barn. Or if the corne doe grow ripevnto theharueft,itisin thypower fuddenlyto fendin an enemy, to eate thefruit ofthe land,andtodeuourthe labour of thepeople. And though the breaddoe come to be fet inplentybe- fore vs, yet thy hand is not lhortned, thoucanft take away the ftaffe there- of, fo thatwe limit Bate andnot be fa- tisfied. Thus, O Lord,thou haftcorn foore-houlesof punifhments : fothat our hearts cannot endure, nor our handsbe ftrong in the day that thou (halthaue todoe withvs. Andhereof wehauenowalready fomeexperiéce. For now thou haft in part begun to punilh ourabufe ofthy creatures, our invs a careto renounce and forfake fulnelfe ofbread,ourcontempt ofthe ourfinnes, equalltoourdelire forthe fpirituallfoodofour foules,with out- putting awayofthyiudgements. For- ward fcarcity. The time is come, by glue vs in Iefus Chtift, andvouchfafe greedy worldlings longexpeeted, in vs(as apledgeofthyloue)ftrength& which they may make .the meafure grace to walk ina greater meafureof fmall,andthepricesgreayfellingeuen obedience then heretofore. Andnow thevery refufe of the Wheat: Their - (OLord) teach vs to ralie vpon thy trading is vponthe poore, their deliire providing, andtoknow thatwhen aN is to fwallow vp the needy of the things falle , yet thymercies are the fame