Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

& 4''Hélpe veto Deuoticn. thefame,and thypower to help is not hearts asan Adamant flone,and haue diminifhed. Thou canif fuddenly by put far fromvs the euill day, perfwa- means toman vnknowne, turne the ding ourfelues,thattheir fermóswere greateft penury into plenty,thou canif butwind,and thattheydid butcom make alittletoflretchfarre,andcanft mendvntovs their own fancies. Thus proportionourappetites toourflore. haue we encouragedourfeluesincull!, Omakevs todependonthee, and and hauefet thymdgementat nought, to iludy morehow toprofit by thy euery oneturmng to hisownecourfe, hand,then to haue thy rod removed asthe horferufhethtothebattell, ad- from vs. And when thou thalt Phew dingdrunkennes totiara, and falling thy felfeto haue heardourpraiers, by away from theemoreandmore. But fending greaterplenty, letvs not for- (O Lord) gittevs nowat the laft, re- get our prefent want : but grant that morfefull and repentant hearts,make wemaylabourto be thankful,anden- vs(asit were)tofmitevponour thigh, deuour after a more fobervfe of thy as a figne that we feeour wandrings, blefstngs then heretofore. Heare vs and thatwe areafhamed ofour fins. inthis, and in all other our requefts, Embolden vsin thenameof Chriftto for Chrifksfake, and forthine owne comeinto thy prefence,and inall ear- promife fake, e,lmen. neftneaoffpirit to cryvnrochee, Take aïiiàt ouriniquities, andreceiue vrgraci- alnotherl,ke, apt lieder the time offome onfy. Teachvs aswelltofeare fin,the great contagion. faufeofthiswafting ficknes,aswedo the ficknes it felfe,which isthe fruit of fin. Comfort vsaccordingtothe day that thou haft afliâedvs : andlet the fweet feelingof the graciousteflimo: nyof thy Spirit, fpeakingpeaceento our foules, preuaile againft all other fadrieffe or caufe of grtefe, orforrow whátfoeuer.Say(OLord)vnto thyde- ftroying Angel, It w f4rime, hold thy hand : Or ifit be thypleafuretoftretch thine hand yet further, and totakevs away alfo,O prepare vstothine owne puipofe,enduevswith a holy patience toendure the vtmofltriall : and grant that whatfoeuer befalourearthly Ta- bernacles yet our foules may be al- waies acceptablevnto thce,andall for Chrift Iefus fake, who path Iouedvs, and givenhimfelfetobe a facrificeofa fweet Smelling fauorvnto thee, Amen. WHither flallweegot, O Lord, v inthe dayofour aflli&ion,but onety unto thee ? Thou alone calif/ faue,and out ofthy hands none isable to giue deliuerance. Heauyatthis time is thy hand vp- on vs, and fearefull is thedifeafe with which thou haft afflictedvs: Weare afraid onefriendandneighbour ofan- other, and nothing is before vsbut prefentdeath. Scarcely canwe Tooke forth, but wefee fomeoneor othera- mongft vs carried away tothe graue, and the mourners going about the Streets. Wee muff needs confcffe, that though this be. grieuous , yet isit.the finalleft partof our defect : It is iu4 with thee, tofmite vs with botches and fcabs that cannot be healed, and tomake the peftüence euen to cleaue e.4 Prayer in the timeof eompefl;as vetoour loines,and to fweepvsaway thunder, liightnin;,&c., from off the earth, even as a man fwëepeth awaydungtill all be gone. eNAlmighty GOD, excellent in For, how havewe multiplied ourini: power and in iudgement , thotì quities before thee, and to what a haft made the earthby thy power, fhánteleffe and intollerable meafure and Itabli1I ed the World by thy areour fins increafed?Manywarnings wifdome, andhaft stretchedout the haue bin gluesbythyh4iniftcrs, thou heauen by thy difcretionì thou eau- haft rifenearfyandlate,and fentvnto fedlltheCloudes tdfeend from the vs by them : yet wee haue made our ends of the earth thou draweft the wind 74!