74.1 Helpe sot windeoutofthy treafures,and makeft the formes to breake forth in thy wrath : Thou art that God of glory whichcommandef it tothunder, and diuidef the way for the lightningof the thunder. Thy voice maketh the wilderne(fe totremble, andthe foundationsofthe mountains tomooue : Yea, and the pillars of heauen to quake at thyre- proofe. Oh howeafe a thing wereit for thee, turn at thismuant, to fend out thine arrowcs &fcatter vs, to in- creafe thylightnings, and defroyvs? Theveryblafrngof the breathofthy noftrils, isenough toconfume vs : our hearts couldnotendure,norour hands beProng, ifthou Ihouldeftproceed a- gain£ vsindifpleafure, andgiue kaue veto thefe inftruments of thy venge- ance topreuaile vpon vs. And,0Lord, what istherewhich wehaue not deferued ? Thedeadneffe of our hearts, ourwant ofawetothy Maiefty, ourabufeofthypatience,our contempt ofthy Word,ourfeightre- gardofthy former iudgements, their and other ourcrying firms, whateite isdue veto them, then the very.vials ofthywtath, and the heightof thine indignation? Humbleour foules (we praythee) here before thee, makeour bellies to tremble,and a kinde ofrot- tenn(fe.to enter into our bones, to thinke vponthe gloryofthy Malefic, and the greatneffeand vglineffeofour ownemolt groffeand inexcufable ini- quities. Makevs to thinke with our felpes,that ifthefe formes,whichare yet butasa talle &touchof thypow- er,be foPlitt ofterror, Oh then how fearefull will thy prefence bee, when thoucommeft in thy glory, ¡hewing thy,felfefromheauenwith thy migh- tie Angels, inflaming fire, rendring vengeancevpon theChildrenof difo- bedience ?;Surely then the heauen ihallpaf£e .away with :anoife, andthe Elements fháll melt with heat, and menshearts ¡hall fade tbsín for feare, and for lóglsing after, thole things w which fball come vpoo theworld. r Letthis,OheauenlyFather,worke d invsthat ble¡fed feare, which ìs the e o tieuotion. beginningofwifdome, &which eau_ feth adeparture from euill : that fo all thefeeuidences ofthy powerand glo- rymay be asfo many alarums to route vs from the bed of fecuritie, and as fummonsfrom heauen toprouoke vs to repentance : Ohmake vstowake to line rightcoufly, and to bediligent that we may bee without fpot and blameleife, going on, & increafing in all holy conuerfation and godlineilè t And now, O gracious God, at this time,Ihewthymercyin refraining the rageand furyof thisdreadfullforme, couervs vnderthy wings, and let vs be firevnder thyfeathers, ohlet vs a- bide in theferret and fhaddowofthee whichart Almighty. The feaiscalme by thy power, by thy vnderftanding thoufmiteft the pride thereof, thou ftoppeftthe fpouts ofthe raineat thy pleafure : if thou rebuke the winds, they are (trait allaied, the thunder is quiet andfill,at thycommand. This webeleeue,becaufe thy Word oftruth bath, repealed it : and this thypower andmercy we prefume to crane, be- caufe thou haftpromifed,-that if we call vpon thee in the dayof trouble, thou wiltdefiner vs. Furthermore, O Lord, vouchfafe vsthis grace, that when bythygood- nefe this terror and danger (hall bee pail &ouer-blowne,we may notthen forgetthy kindneffein ourpreferuati- on,norbevmnindfulofthevowesand pronúfes whichwe now makeof bet. ter obedience:butthatwe may thank. fully take vp thatfpeech ofgratoful- nes,andfay,'7'raife,ee the Lord,bec tf be irgood, for hismercy endnrethforeuer; andmay alto let it appeare in outlines andcourfes,how fenfibleweareofthy loue, andhow careful to walke wor- thyof thy fauour. Hearevs,O Lord, and helpe vs both now and ewer in Chrift Iefus, withoutwhom,none can Comeveto thee,and byfaith inwhop we haue boldneffe,andentrancewith confidence intothyprefenceao whom ith thy fife, and thine eternal(Spi. it,oneonly andimmortall God, we efiire togiue all glory andpraife for per, Amor. e.4 LAte- 3