Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

e Helpe unto Veuotion. foule, ortomake my felfebeleeue that I amasI ought to be, becaufewaters ofa full cuparewrung veto me : but teach me ferioufly to confider, that as manyofthy beloued feeuants doe feefe the fmart-of pouerty, fo euen the moll wicked, and theft whichre- belliouflytranfgreffe,haue a largepor- tion in this life,,liuing,waxing old,and growing inwealth,their goodsoften- times exceeding the very delires of theirharts. Granttherfore that I may laborfor forcebetter &more certaine affuranteofthygrace, notgrounding my hopeepos my wealth ì but reloy_ cing inthis, if thedue confideration of the danger and vanity of abun dancemay worke bythy blefsing , to theabafingand humblingofmy hart. Oh let not mine eyesbe dazled, nor my heart bewitched with theglorie andfweetneffe oftheft worldly trea- fures,whichmaybe takenfrom me,or I from them euenin the twinkling of aneye: drawmy aff. Rion to the loue ofthat durable riches, and to that fruit ofheauenlywifdome, which is better then gold, and the reueneues whereofdoe furpaffe thefiluer , that may chief caremay beto hases foule enriched and furnifhed with thy grace, fulfilledwiththeknowledge of thy will,inall wifdome and fpitituall vnderftanding. - And becaufe (OLord) in hailing much,I ambut a Steward vnderthee, anda difpofer ofthy gifts,enlarge my bowels towards others,makemerich and fruitfullingoodworkes, being a father tothe poore, and caufing the heart ofthe widow toreioyce, war- ming theloïnes of thenakedwith the fleece of my lheepe, nor eating my morals alone, but dealingmy bread to thehungrie , and neuer hidingmy felfefrommineowne flelh. For why fhould I make gold my hope? or wherefore fhouldI ftriumto lade my- felfe with this thicke clay, ftill plotting to fetmy neafton high, when all that haue orcan haue,is ina moment turned intovanity ? Quick- kenmec vp therefore to good duties, that thehearts of thySaints maybee comfortedbyme,andthat intheplace where I liue,I may bymy forwardnes draw on and prouoke others to all the offices of neceffariebeneuolence; Let the bowels ofthe needie bee my treafurie, and let it bee mydefineand care there to lay vp in fltote agood foundation for my felfe againft the time to come,nottruftingtobecrow.. ned for the worthofmy liberality(for whatcan thatbeetoameighr ofglary?) but affuring my felfe, that themercie ¡hewedbyme ímtoothers, isa beame of that loue which (Lines from thee epos my foule, - Thus,O Lord,fhall T by thy ood_ neffehaue thetruevfeofthyblefsings, together witha daily increafeofmuch matter of thankfgiuing for' thy great goodneffeto, meefo vile and vnwor- thy:andall for Chrifl, andin hismoil glorious and holy Name. Towhom with thee and thy Spirit one true, euerlafling;andonely wife God,beall praife,andpower,might,maiefly, and domimon,now and euermore,Amev. The Magiflrates orledges prayer: IT hathfeemedgoodvntothy wife; dome (O thouwho artthe difpofer ofallthings bothin heauen andearth). tocall me (though unworthy) toan office andplace of fpecialltrufl : euen tobe oneof the Heads andIudges of thypeople' euento fitin thine owne feate, and tohe as itwere) a God a- mongftmen. Magiftracy, -andgouernmentis thine owne ordinance,and great is theobe. dience, and xefpect whichthoucorn. mandeft to it.: thou haft.honoured thofewho areentrufted with it, with titles ofno little dignitie' t then' haft communicatedthine owne damevnto them. Let not, O Lord, thisgreat- nes.puffe me vpwithpride, but letit -fill myheart with feare :. áffuring my felfe by this,that as theplace inwhich IHand is eminent, fo the burden is weighty, and thebufrnelfemuch, yea, andthat the account for neglè&Will be exceeding fearefull. Stirremee vp Xxx therefore 7+1