746 e/ÌHelpev therefore I befeechthee,toTooke vp in all humility towardsthee, andto beg carnallyoftheeinChriftsname,tobe enabled to that feruice to which thou haft appointed me. Let it be my care tomake thy wordmycounfeller, not fulfering thebookeofthy Law tode- part out ofmymouth, thatfo I may obferueand doaccordingto allthatis written therein. Let the aime ofal my endeauours, bethegloryofthy name, inthepeoplesgood, ¬ mineown, eithergraine,or creditbeforemen. Clad mee with zeafe as with a cloake, that I may haue courage for thetruth,andadminifter iuthcewith- out feare, anddoe right without re- (peaofperfons. Makeit euena ioyunto me,todeli- uerthe poorethat crieth , and thefa- therleffe, andhim that hathnone to helpe him : that thebleeingofthem which are readytoperifh, may come vponmee, and that I maycaufe the heart ofthewidowto reioyce. Farre bee it from mee toperuert judgement, or towreft the lawes for by-refpeets. Ohlet myfouleabhorre allcouetoufneffe, keepemee fromlo- uingofgifts , or from following re- wards , knowingthat theftdoeblind theeyesofthewifeft, and make them to forget thedecree,andtochange the iudgement ofthe children ofalai- on. Suffer menottovfe my authori. tie, eitherasa meanerto recompence andpleafuremyfriends, or as anin- itrumentbywhich tobeauenged vp- onmine enemies : butframe myheart to dealing truely, according to the truthofthecaufe, and according to theElate oftheperfons. Andbecaufe there ismuch fübtilty in thefe euill daim, andmany meanes vfedbywhich towrapvpmattersand tomake badcaufes tobearea thewof goodneffe,therefore glue me,I hearti- ly praythee, awife andanvnderflan- ding heart, aTharpanddifcerning fpi- tit, that Imay beabletofinde outthe truth in thofe things that come be- for me, andmaybee diligentandwil- ling, when I know notthecaul, to feekeit out, andfo maydo all things ntoDeuotion. inthy feare faithfully,and with a per fit heart. About all things,O Lord,let myheart be fet, forthe aduancement ofReligion, and forthepromotingof thygloriousGofpel. Grant thatI may accountitmygreatefthonour, toglue countenancetoit, and to thofewho preach it faithfully, and profeffe itin fincerity.Let me bea terrortoPapifts and Atheifts, andgodlefie perfons makemee toTooke vnto myfelfe, and to my family, that noInch maycome neere me, nor receiveanylittlegrace, or fauour,orproteâion frommee,bùt that I may further (as much as in mee lieth)thatnecelfaryworkeofdeflroy- ing thewickedofthe land,andofcut ring offtheworkersofiniquity. Mall their things make meecon- ftantand bold, knowingthat itisthy bufineffe, and thatthou wilt be with mee in thecaufeand iudgement, and wilt rememberme in thygoodneffe. All thefe neceffary graces vouch- fafevntome withaplentifìill hand,O thou whichart theGod ofgrace,euen forhisfake, who is the Mediatourof grace,Chrifl Iefus,eitmen. Thepeoples 'Prayer fer their Gouermcur, ;MUTE gracious GOD, and lo- wing Father its Chritl Iefus, thou haft commanded in thy facrcd Word, that wefhouldmake intercef- fionsand praiersfor thofethat areas authority:and it isfaidtherealfo,that by thee,Princes rule, by thee theNo- blesand Iudgesoftheearth decree in- ftice.Totheethcrforedowepray,and vpon thygreatNamed awe cal,hum- blybefeechingthee in the name ofthy Sonne (inwhomonely thycares are opento ourprayers) topoureoutthy graces in a large mature, upon alt thole whom thou haftfet ouervs, and towhom thou haft given the power of gouernment amongle vs. Giue them teak for thy glory,that they may fludy the aduancement of thy truth, and thefpeedie Iupprefsingof whatfoeuer is contrary to whole- fome Doßrine :Giue them theeyeof proui-