Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

elfHelpe vnto Devotion. providence, that theymayítand upon acontinuallwatch, forthe preuenting ofall dangers and mifchiefes,fecretly plottedagainfl theChurch and Com- mon-wealth. Glue themwifdome to ordain, andcourage and refolution to executegood lawes, for theprotec- tionofthy people, and thecutting off ofthofewhichwill not bee reformed. Take from them allprideofheart, all infolent and tyrannous affeetions, all emulation and fecret enuy one againft another, allcouetous and greedy dc- bres,that theymay not beeas roaring Lions among vs, or as hungryBeares, butmay carne theminder of Fathers towards vs : fo flail wee leade a quiet andpeaceable Iife,in aligodlineflé and honeftie. And,OLord,ftirrevsvpto beethankfult to thy Maielty , for that thouhaftgiuen vs to enioy the benefit ofgouernmenr: Teachvs to confider, what confufion and mifery would comevpon vs, andcuen ouerwhelmme vs,iftherewere no Magiffratstopro- teavs. Who fhouldbe freefrom she wrongs& robberies, from the fpoiles and vexations of the childrenofBe. lial?whoMould beefore ofought that hehath,orof hisown life,ifthere were nofwordof chilliauthority todefend vs? The people fbouldbeeoppreffed oneofanother,eueryone by hisneigh. hour; the childrenwould perfumea- gainftthe ancient:and the vileagainit thehonourable, iftherewanted laves andMagiftrates,tokeepe themwhich be to multuouiydifpofed,within com_ paffe. The enemywould fooneftretch out his hand vpon all our pleafant things, therewouldbe crying&corn- playning in our ltreetes, cruelty and ftrifein our Cities iniquityand mif- chiefe would never departfrom our Townes, ifthou fhouldefttake away the Kingand the Counfeller, the pru- dent ludge,andthehonourable Magi- fixate from vs : Ohmake vsalhamed of ourfelues, who hauebrenfo lien- deny thankful' forfo greatablefsing Andgiue vswepray thee,humble and obedienthearts, trueandloyal! affec- tions, willingneffe toperforase allffer- Mecs, and to payall duties which be- longtothofewho aretheverywatch. men over ourStates, and the Keepers and Gardians ofourpeace:nay,make vs readywith all cheerefulneffe, euen to facrifice our litres for their fafety. Andas we do defirethe hauingand the countenanceofgodlyGovernors; fo teach vs to makeconfcience of li- ningholily & righteoufly before thee, knowingthatforthe tranfgrefsionso£ thepeople, a Land, isfubieato many changes,andthatfor the fubiellts fins, thouart wont to take away fuchGo- uernors,whofudge thePoore intruth, and chafeaway all evilwith theirdes: and to fuffer follie tobe let in great ex.. cellency, and fuchtobee aduancedto places ofauthority,whofepreferment (hallmake the peopletofigh,andeuen tohidethemfelues forfeare ofoppref- fon. As therefore weedefìrethy fauout in this thing, fo grantvs grace, to Hue in thyfeare, alluringour felues,thatif we doe wickedly,we flail perifh,both we andourGouernors,thou wilteuen kindle a fierin the gates ofour chiefeeft cities,which (balldeuoure ourpalaces, and fhallnot bee quenched. But ( Lord)turne awayfrom vsalfuch hea_ vie iudgements ( which yet our great firmes liane long fincedeferued) and frill begirt vswith thy favour,making fall ehebarsofourgates,fetting peace in ourborders,and aboveall,continu- ing and enlarging the paffage ofthy Gofpell,and allfor hisfake,who is the verylifeandfubftance ofthe Gofpell, euen Iefns Chrift our foie Saviour, cAmen. .. The`Pnforrfate, Oly(O Loxv) and honouta- ble is that feruice to which it hath been thy gracious pleafuret depute mee. The matter I am chief- ly to bee buffed in is thine owne Counfeil: they be thyOracles, atjdthe feales ofrighteoufnefld, thedifpenfa.- tion whereof,thouhaft committed to race.: Thou haft made sitean Ouer- feer of part of that fíocke, which thouelidll purchaféaviththineobvnc Xxx z soft 7.+7