Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

e11` Helpe veto Deitotioii forthenippers, and not hidemyface tided an eternal! inheritance. With fromlhameand fppetttng, makingno this hope, makenice togoeonwith account, nonot oflife it felfe, fothat cheerefülnes,doing thatwhereto thou Imay fulfillmy courfewithtoy, and haft called mee, ridleasing thee to the Miniftratton which I haue reed- provide and'carefo he refidueThou uedofthee, to teftifie thc Gofpellof O Lord , knoweft t -defresofmy thy grace. foule, thou bell under andell what Frame me to diligenceand painful, things are fitteft for mee refpe&of neffe in my prinat employments, in that great calling to whit' thouhaft reading,inftudie , inmeditation and ordained mendwhat Imo andin praier, thatI may be a workman, not needof: Supplymee, I befee thee; needing to.be aihanred, and that men outofthyfulneffe, andcrownm' .. may fee howIgoon, andprofit inmy hoursin the Jrliniftery, withthecon- calling. uerlonoffuclifoules, as are ordained Let my life be a pattern ofholines veto life , and that for thy Sonnes tomy ftocke; lettherebee nofighting fake,who is thetbiefe Shepheard : tg betwixt my behaviour and rey do- whom let myfoule and Ipirit, ;give hononr,glorle,.andpeaife, nowand foreeer,oilmen., ¡ EADER i let me frgnifieto thee J.\by the way , that I dad not pen this Prater oast ofanapinion,thatàny ofmy bre- threnneedadireilian,orwantedskill,to dá the onnesnt rage totheLord :.Intl-gran exereife ormedttatianifor my /efe)whereof notwathflaudiag, fallen labourers may make this.vfe, , tobe remembredharebysf atine: but grantthat myverycourfe andeariage, and ordinarie fpeechesi mayfauour ofgrace,that f Inayglue nooffence,either toehofe that depend vponmee, orto them whodelireto haue fameoccafion andmatter ofre- proach. Make meealfo circumfped in my family, in mywife, children,feruants ouerfeeing the waies ofmy houlhold, knowing how ,manydes are calfvp onmeearid minis, andhowfoone (by the weight oftheir aalline, and ofthe Satans teaching) inertwill make the manygraces eppertaimnge,ereimroá The worft of euery tittle trefpaife. And Lórdmalvsall, bothfaiihfull andpro - becaufe(OLord)thebufineffesof this frabli. worldarea great withdrawment,and the pretence ofcaring for pofterrtre, <loth kill the zealeofmany, andleade Thepráyerofthe flocht,fer then-path- them into many foolifh and noifome fn ll 1 pheard. halts : therefore (I bcftechthee) fupé preffewithinmee all earthly-minded- Haw gracious haft thou hectic neffe, keepe mefrom entangling my veto Vs (mofî bouneifull God, telfewith the'affairesofrhislife ,re- iogiuingvsaIlaftor afterthineown) ftraintme fromfeekingvetomyfelfe beatt, abléiasv wi¡ling,tofecdvs with greatthings, let it be enoughfor mee knowlmdgs atfdVtthvnderitandingr tliari haue even a naile in thy holy andtistoreiuygtovsfaithfully thy place, anda roome amongthe fend. *hole counfel,:orle wholath skill to torsof thyChurch. refolosvginow, doubts, tocomfort As for thofewhich belongvrito.nte, vsinour petplexieies, to recall our Ihr me-neither beewithout care (for wandtings,taisftrutt our ignorance, chat wereworfe theniíifidelitie), not andtogöe bèfotevsasa guide in the yet fotakenvpwithtate,thatlfhould way that leads unto peace: fuëelyb forget my chiefeft" bufinefL : But let *onhaft notfü delis with euerypÏace, meallure my felfe that.thou wiltbee neither isthere any defect in vs, fot, myGod,andthe Cod ofmyfeediand which thouibouldllaffoordvsfucha wiltnotkink themdeftituteofearth_ fauor. Ifrhort badIl 11111 left vsirrour : lyblefsings,for whom thou halt pro- 'naturalldarknelk, andhadftfaired X x x 3 vs 740