750 e Helpvnto Deuotion. vstobeperpetually plunged intothat region of the íhadow of death, in which wee fateof our felues, it had beenbut iufiice inthee, it was even free to thee to haue finally forfaken vs. OLord, makevsthankefull, and quickenvs vp, that weemayeuen fill our mouthes, with the praifesofthy Name,whohaficaufedthelight ofthy Gofpell,- thusto rifeamongvs, and to thine vnto vs for our comfort. Omake vs carefullto walkewhilewe haaelight,thatwemaybe thechildren of light, and tobeware howwee re- ohmthy graceinvain, or negleet fo great faluation. - Let vs euer remember , that to whommuch isgiuen; of them there willbee muchrequired, andthat our finnewillbegreater,an'dour condem- nation themore heauy,ifwe makenot the right vfeof this thymercy. And concerningthat man,whom thou haft madeawatchmanoverour foules,we bekech thee to enlargehis hart,toen. tteafe hisgifts, and toendue himyet with a fuller meafure of thy graces, Chic himthe fpiritandzealeof P.eal, that he maywithall boldnesoffpeech deale vetovsthyGofpell, andpublifli even thel ceet therof, fortheedifying ofour foules. Make himmightyin the Scriptures, like eXpollos, thatby the power thereof, beemaybotheonui& our confciences,and flopthemouches ofall gain-fayers. Vouclifafëfiimth¢ ord-ofwife- dome and-knowÍedge; thathtt mars' tightly iudgeofour etiate andvts4te Rand what thingsart inOtt tpcdìenï and fittingforvs,andifomay fptaku5 ourconfciences, findifígvsoat,ii esat fpeeiallffu res,, andguidingvsinthofe bolt' eourfesfromwhich wee háue chieflygone-aftray. Let hiswords bee like goades;priekingourhearts, that wemaynot bee hardned through the deceirfulneífe of finne : let them bee as faflned sailer, notfooneforgotten but fixedin ourinward parts,thatthey maybe euerready athand, ascounfel- lers to dire& vs in the way which weemuffchufe. Makehim ftábleand confiant inthe belt outgo; that het maynot bee asa reed fhakenwiththe winde,butasafirmefoundation,that byhisperfeuerance ingood,our harts may the better beeflablifhed.Andwe befeech thee, O Chrifl, whoholdeft theflars(the Angels ofthyChurches) in thy right hand, that thouwouldeft be pleated toprote& himfrom vurea- fonableand euilI men, and fromthe wrongs andiniuries ofallthewicked enemies ofthybleffedtruth. Doubtlelfe Etymawillnot ceafe to peruert the (trait waits ofthe Lord, and Alexarderwilwithilandhisprea- ehingforc,andmenofcorrupt minder will refillthetruth withalltheir pow- er: Therefore make thouthe weapons ofhis warfaremighty throughthee to caft down holdes , andbleffe thela- bodes ofhis Miniftery , tothecalling and conuertingofthofe which arcor- dained vnto lite. Bendour hearts toyeeld obedience tothyword fpoken byhismouth,that wemayrecelueir, not asthe word of aman,but asit is inched thy Word: andmake it alfoeffe&uall in vs, that we maynot bee onlyprof, fors and hearers ofthywill;hutdoers,andpra_ &fees, andcontinual, performers of the fame. Andteachvs to-euerence him(webefeech thee)and tohaauehim infingular lose for his worker fake, minifiring vntohim eheerefiillywith =goods, knowing that it is afinal!, thing, for. him to reaped our carnal! thiAgsiwho foweth amongft vsfpiri_ alicommodities. In alloueprayers makevs mindfhli (Whimwithout ceafidg; that his itu; dies maybe dire&ed, his endeavours guided , and hislaboursin thy worke bleffed,to the gloryofthy. Name, and to thefaluationbothofhim, andofvs which beam him : all which wecrate ofthee with all earftneffeand Mimi- !try ihrtliydeare Sonnes fake, who bath ordained. Pafiours and Tea- chers for the colle&ion,ofhis Saintt, and whois the fu reame& foueraign Bithop ofall our foules,towhombee - flraifewithoutceafing, now and for - evermore,Amen. -i.e