c.fHelpevntoDeuotioñ. TheStudents Trayy, VThouthe Father ofLighti,fròm whom cammeth downe curry good and perfit giuing : Ít is by thy holy prouidrnce, that I am heere placed in the Shooles of the Pro- phets tobeetraynedvpin theknow= ledgeofgood leads, and it is thy goodneffe onely which mull glue a blefsing tomy labours, otherwife all my ftudies and vudcrtakings will bee in vain. To theetherefore doe I make my prayer, to thee (OLord) doeIlift vp my foule i Thou giuefi iharpneffe of wit,knowledgeanddifcretion are thy beftowings, thouaectheenlightner of themfnde, thoumakeflto apprehend thofe things , whichthe fhallowneffe oftiàture; ofitfelfeisvnabletocon- ceiue.. I befeechthee.therefore, euen forhis fake whoisthy wgliwne,whom thoudidflpoffeffe in the beginningof thyway, heebeingbefore thyworkes ofold,that thou wouldflvouchfàfeto furnith mee withfilch acompetencie ofgifts, as thou in the depthofthy wifdome knoweft_to bee tonuenient for mee. Ordermydefires, direcumy choice, feafon and fanetifiemy,heart, that may couet thebelt gifts, &that myfltidiesniaynot bee . ledand carted byeníaine affeftationof knowlede, and curious inquin einto hidden forollientationsfake, that fo I May purchafe admiration and cre- dit ,, accutenelfeand learningbefore men, butthat I may aime at the pub- likegood, how I may bring glorleto thyname, and comfort to my foule, by qhe promotingofthe commonbe- nefyt orhumane fgcietie. And becaufe Authors areinfinite, and much rea- ding is awearineffeto thefielh Ie yill fooneeaufediftradion,andbrcedegá Cher varieeie of endleffeand vnpofi., table que Lions, thenanyfoundncs of knowledge: Forthiscaufe, I bcfccch thee Lbto dire&mc,- that I maywife- ly difeernwhom to follow,and whom to aside, and may conilantly apply my felfe to that.coúrfe, by which I may bell attain to my defredend.: Preferue thou meealto fromthepoy. fors of,imfoundopinions,and fromthe foureleauenof all erroneous fanciest And forthat end,, reach meenot to lean to mine ownewifedome, or to erufltoany fuftleiency ofmineowne, for the difcerningofthings thatdif- fer s .but grant that inlaygiuevpmy felfe tobeguided by,thy Spirit, which is thealoneteacherofthat waywhich wemtif chufe, , And feeing (OLord) thy holy Word1;which thou thy Celle haft infpired, isthe trcafuryofalltrue knowledge,where only thatwifdome isto bee found whole fruitis better thengold, andthereuenewes where- of doe forte exceed the finell filaar 7. therefore, make menadiligent anda butte fearcher ofthat facred booke, that It may bee afamiliar vntomee, and dwell plenteoully in my inward parts;. and that fo I- mayefeele.the fweetneffeofit inmy foule.The times alfo,O mollgracious Father, being fo full.ofperill , and foabounding, with many dangerous allurementsveto e- uill,partly by wickedcompanie, and portlyby vaindelights; I amanear- neá,petitioner to thy,goodneffe to makemeewarie and.cucumfpe& for presentingofthere creepingand be- witchi$gmifehiefes. Giueweewifdometo makeChoice ofthe fociety ofthofe, by wholefo- brictie,,and grauitie; and good exam- ple, I maybebettered;andtohane an e,y,gwirbolhwhoarevpright in their gray; flriuingto tread in their flexes, awltobe a follower oftheir courfes. Caufe me tobe alwales euenafraid cif my felfe in the vfe of delights, knowinghowhard achingit isnot to exceede , andhowibone a mans affe! Lìignsfhallbeer r Let my core t er., a bee to meines hex i, or wining then. -rpa way ustime mgthougljeing vpon the long: jpuwp,el g h,Ìiauetogo, before I cancope vnto dueperfeftion. Inotherthingsalto, O good God; guideme by thy holy hand,, that I. maykeepe myfelfe Within the liftsof Chri ,st