152. e Hedpevn Chtilkianitie, beingmodeft inapps- rell,moderate indiet, chafeand tem- perate infpeech, foberinfalhionand my ordinary deportment , refpe&iue to my fuperious, amiable tomy e. quals,without prideand infoleneyto. wards thofe that are belownice, cur. teous and affable,and'yetwithout va- nity and popularity towards alt. A. mongall let me bePearlyinmycour- les, bothof exerciftfor thepolilhingofthe minde, andofdi.. nine and fpirituallimplo ments, for the adorning and garnifhing of the foulr,th'atas Igrow inyeers,andPan. ding, fo I may alto thrive in know- ledgeAnd ingrace, andthat in Iefus Chrift, in whom onelyI exile& the grantingofmyrequels, who breathe vpon me withhis Inuit, making my fouleforward andwilling to depend vpon thee, andto returne vnto thee all duepraifeandglory , world with outend, Sobeit. 7hcpétfauinterïdiirgnuirriage,ntaj -6eethurdiréEfed.- ** /Adage, bLoíd, is thineówne 1VAholy and fatted ordinance: turn before out Grandfather ear- Aim had finned agairift thee, and therebydepriuedhimfelfe andall his porter*of that happineffe inwhich thouhedit at firft created him. Thou fawef inthy wifdome,that it wasnot fitfor mankinde tobee alone. Vpon this,it wasthy pleafuretoappointthis bleffed knot, yea, andthy felfealloto bee as a principall agent, inthe fire eonioyningit.:To thinellate,thou haft annexed great prerogative§,, as a fneanes of much good and comfort vntoman. Beingtherefore bythee in thygood proudence, called to thelirikingg of my felfe;into this wedloekeband, I *fhboYdé foue, bthof ptomi- feskíitEú Made of eaiïr n thd4dfbitR f8:4e vntoit'h& Çhri(tcsname, tueaft dowse niyfelfe herebefeircthee, and to inrtcarr thy gracions dire&ion in this waightyen- terptifc. toVettotion. San&ifie myheart (I befeechdiet) and bringmy affeEtions intoanholy temper, that I may neither like a brute beaft bee led by mineowne vn- bridled tufts:neither yet may, like one that mindeth onely earthly things, doteonely or chiefely vpon worldly. wealth : butthat mymain delireand drift may be to finde outfuch ayoke- fellow,by whofe fweete fociety Imay bee furthered vnto godlineffe, and helpedonward inmy voyage towarda heauen. Forthisend, makemee, O Lord, diligent and circumfpe&before hand, carefull to vfethe aduice and counfellofChriftian friends,fearefull ofmy(elfe, leftaffe&ion fhouldpre- itaile inme before iudgement; feruent inpraiervntothee, by whom althings are difpofed,and towhom the hearts ofall menare direly knowne. Re. ftraine inmeeall violenceufpafsion, all ralhneffeof affe&ion, that I may not fuddenly bee enfnared with out. wardbrautie, or bewitchedwíththe glorious fhewes of parentage or of portion, but that Rill my deliiremay bee afterthe hidmanofthe hearrand afterthofe fpirituall ornaments with. out which the greateft among the fonnesof menare butvileandbafein thyfight: Makeniceeuentobe precifein. the obferuing of all convenient eircum. fiances : filch as are the content of thofe which haue any intereft in firer by thy Word,a reverent betrothing, and fuch like, Pill caring to follow thofe things which are of good re- port. And when I'Tal( bythy pro: uidence beebroughtto the fight and knowledge oftharpartte which thou haft appointed former, Othenknit our foulestogether in a neuer to bee brokenleague ofholy loue,that fowe mayin gracious mannerbeabyand delight either toother,and may even Iludir betwixt that and our marriage day,fo toinformeour(elves witheach othera difpofitions, &with tholedu. tieswhich are appertainingto thema- tied life,thatour vnion being begun in thyPare, may bee continuallyWet'. fedwith thy fallout, and fo all may be