e Helpe vetoVeuot on. bee Co theglory ofthyglorious name, fitance and helpeofthe woman 73 to ourmutuall comfort and building And when we know and haue tear- vpingrace, andtothe good example nedthefethings, grant thatitmay be ofthofwhichfhalbeholdourcóurfe, ourRudy topraerife them, thatfothe throtghlefus Chrift,vfnmr. husband maybe as afaithfull guide to his wife, and thewife acrowne and credit toher Husband: Theworriedpertns their ioymre- quell ontoCO`T. THou (Omoll blelfedGod)` did- deft firlt ordaine the married bate : andit is thyprouidence, by whichwee which were two, are now madeonefief!) , hatingmutually re- figned our felues either toother, by ourentrance into thisholy league. Itis thedelireofourfoules, to liue together tothyglory,and to the com- fort and contentmenteachof other. Thiswecannot doewithout thee,(for ofourfelues betides finnewe can doe nothing:) vntothee therefore doe we commendour mob earneft andhum. blefute, that itmaypleafethee fo to befprinkleourfoules with thedeawof thy grace, that from thence may fpringaplentifull increafe offobriety, ofnigh teoufneffe, and ofholinefl'e in our lines. Allay invs all fenfualland brutifh Ioue,purifyingand fanbifying our af- fe&ions one towardanother, thatwe may innothing dtfhonourthis honou- rable ftate,nor pollute thebedofmar- riage,whichthou thyfelf in thyword halt calledvndefiled t butmayvfethis thineordinanceinthatholy fort, that carnal tullesmay bee flakedand fub- dued,not increafed or inflamed there. by. Endue vswith agodly care to ac- quaint our felues with thy blefi'ed word, thatby it wee mayknowand vnderftand what duty is required at our hands: whatauthoritie tempered with loueandcompafsion, and freed from all bitterneffe,is committed to the Husband : whatobedience , and fubmifsionwitlareuerenceisCommeti- ded in the wife; whatfaithfulneffe to matrimonial duties either to other is enioyned : what proufdence and care isexpe ledofthe elan andwhat of Make Vswife to obferuethe natures and difpofitions oneofanother that inall lawfulthings,theone may feeke topleafe and content the other : the one may knowhow tobeare with,and to forbeare theother, notwinkingat anyeuillin oneanother, but difcreetly chilling the fitteft opportunitiesfor mutual admom(hing, without all ihewes of tyranny in the one, or of prefumption in the other. Open our hearts, that wee may faithfullyand cheerefully communicate one to the other, thatfweetneffe which we finde inheavenly things,thatfowemaygot hand in hand towardsHeaven , and thatour chiefeloueand delight either in other, maybee grounded vpon the hope weehaue,thatwee are heires to- gether ofthegrace oflife. InourFa- mily linke vs together inone common care toouerfeethe wayes ofour houf- hold, to feekethe promoting andad. saucing of thy Kingdome, the good inftradlion andeducationofour chil- dren andferuants. Fïnally,O Lord;fovnite and com- binevs together in fidelityOfaffeeti- on,thatwemayevendenote butfelues to the procuringof the prefent and, eternallgoodone ofanother: that fo lining here comfortably, wee may taigne with thee perpetually, in that thykingdome,which the bloodofthy Sonne bath prepared for thofe that loue and feare thyname : vntowhich' Kingdome, O Lord, rferuevs,eueo forthy Sonnes fike, andfor thy mer- ciesfake,nlmen. Adirediienfor himwhomGedhathmade áFather,orgouernouraf aFamily. lbow the kneesofmq heart herebe- forethy throneofglory(OAlnugh- tie andcuerliuing God) not prefu using'