Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

75+, eJHelpeuntoVeaotion. Let me beewife to fuppeffe euill in them whiles it isyet young, chalke.. ning them betimes:but yetwith taking heede to keepea middle eourfe be- twixt twoextremitiesoftoomuch in- dulgence,which mightimbolden them to linee : and oftoo much feuerity, which might provoke them towrath, and chine them toforce defperate in. convenience. And,OLord,bleffe thofe vntomee which thouhaft giuenme,feafon them withgrace , and plant in them a loue and tafle ofthebelt things, keep them from the dangerous corruptions of thefe leproustimes, grant that vernie may grow vp in them with their yeeres,that asthé World is increafed by their number,fobythem theremay be anadditiontothyChurch. Concerningmy feruants alfo,letit bemy delire tofort my felfe withfilch as festethy name,knowingthat mine affaires than fucceede the better for their fakes : and for theorderingof them;teach mewifdome,tokeep them from idleneffe,by a diligent, but yet not too grievous and cruel'imploying them : fine mea refpe&ofequity, in rewarding them according to their pains neuerabridging the labourer ofhis dcferued hire: give memercyal- fo, that in theirfickneffes and infirmi- ties I may regardthem as my fonnes, and be as willing to fupply themwith ncceflàries , as if my felfe fuflafned theitencumbrances. There duties,O Lord, as thy word hathreucaled themvntomyfoule, fo monifhing the vnruly , incouraging doe thou vouchfafe to engraue them the forward, inquitting my houfeof inmy heart, and tomake meea con- thofe whichhate tobe reformed, and fcionable performer of them in my in {hewingmy felfe a patterne andan courfe,that fo I may haue(like the be- example ofholineffevntothem. Tou- Ieeuersofold)a Churchinmine houfe: chinkmy children inparticular, re- So, Lord, (hailI beacreditto mypro- member mee, I pray thee, tomake 'fefsion, and my account alfo at the confcience ofbringing them spin thy great dayufreckoning fballbee com- feare, in the knowledge and vnder- fortable:to whichday(Ogood Father ftandingofthy Word, in allfobtietie Ibefeechthee)toprepareme, that af- and comelineffe of behauioùr, and teensy few dairs fpent in this earthly in force profitable cotìrfe, bywhich houfhold,I may liuefor euerwith thee they may after Hue to the feruice ei- inthyheauenly Family,throngh Iefus theeof the Church or the Common- Chrift my bleffedLord and Sauiour, wealth. /Imes. The ming sport my felfe, but grounding my hopeofbeing heard , sport thofe rich and gracious proriifes which thou haft madevetovsin thybcftbe- louedSonne. In him I befecch thee,toaffoordme thygrace, andto fupply mewith fuch fpirituali helps, asareneedfullforthis degree andplace towhich thou haft appointed me. Thou haftmade mee theguideand foundationofa Family,thouhaft fur- nifhed mewith children, and giuenme feruants tobee ordered and comman- ded by me: Wherein thouhaft noton- ly calledme, tobe a prouider for their bodies, that by them, and by their paines and outward thriuing, Imight receiue to my fefft anoutward bene- fit,but robeeuen a watchmanfor their foules, that as much asin meis, I may winne themvetothee. O Lord, as thou haft called me to this feruice,fo giuemebothconfcience and ability to difcharge it. Teachmee tolookesport,A6raham, the Father ofthe faithfull,andtolearne ofhim,to command my formes and my houfe. hold,tokeepe thy way,and to rcfolue with Infbsi, that whatfocuer others doe, yet I andmy houfewill fern the Lord. To this end, makeme carcfull in the vfe of all good means, in bringing my company with mee on thy Sab- baths, to thepublike Miniftery, in the Steady and conftant.sfing ofprivate exercifes,aspraying,reading,andfilch like,in ouerfeeing their wayes, inad-