ëÌHelps 7hefwlic$urdársghterr petitiws inreffell äf`parents. GReat is the Honour (O Lord) whichbythy pure and vndefiled Word , is due from children to their parents : Great blefsings halt thoupromifed to thofe which make confcience toperformit : and feare_ fall and heauieare the curfhs threat- ned againft thofethat doe negleâ ir. O therefore beget inmet, I.befeech thee,aholy care,both toknowandto praftife that gracious dulie, with is requiredofmeeinthis behalfe. Draw mee into theferious confideiationof thofe many bonds ofobedience and thankfulneffe,bywhich I am tied vn- tomyparents,ofthelonging affe&ion which they haueeuer canedtowards me:of thecare and paineswhichthey haue taken in the bringing ofme vp vntillnow:whatwere the forrowes of my mother inherfirfl conceivingme, whatanguifh and paints thefuf}ained in bringing mee forth , what labours andwatchings thee hath fincecndu- red,incherifhing andattendingmy in- fants e["ate: Wretched wereI ifthefe things limpid suer beeby mecommit- ted to forgetfalneiie, orifI Mould but flightly remember theft many kind- neffes. Hake mewilling (OLord) ro ceturne faithfulneffeand duty , for fo much love : Giaemea tradableanda yeeldingheart, that I may cheerefully and withdelightfubmit my felfe vttto them , toperfotme their appoint- ments, inall things which may bee done without the manifeft breach of thyreuealedwilL. And, O good Fa- ther fo :bred them with thy holy Spirit that they may neuer imppofh ought upon mee, but that which 'hall be rightin thine eyes, and for thy glo- ry, inthegoád and comfortofme thy fetuant: that.: they maynot tyran- nóufly abad that authoritie which thou-hail given them inrefped ante:- Or,iftbey£hall betoo rigorousortoo' feuerevntome,yet keeps me (I hum- bly intreate thee) from repining, vóuchfafe me patience and nreeknes' ntoVeúotiori. offpirit, that I maytíeuerthinke, or fpeake,or doought,that mayfo much as fauour of contempt, or rebellion again[" them: And whenthey (hall (as O Lord , about all thingsopen their hearts, and their mouthes thatway) glue wholefome and godlyadmoniti- onstome, how to feare thee, andby what meaner tokeepmy felfevnfpot.. tedoftheworld:thenaffoord mee,O molt merciful' God , anattentiue and anobedienttare,that I may lay vp all fuchgracious inf"ructions inmyhart, and mayreioyce and make glad their foules , by my religionsconformity to their precepts. Withall, OLord, caufemee inge- dure andordinary behauiour, tovia all reuerence totheir perlons , andto take heedofbiding their infirmities, or of defpifing their age : and if it fhould pleafethee tolay wantand po- verty vpon them, let it beemy care to bea helpeand comfort tothem , and to makeproui:on by allgood meaner tofuf"aine them, knowingthat I am never able, by all I can doe , to make them a full and compleate requital'; Furthermore alto , I pray thee to, quicken mee to the duty of prayer on theirbehalfe. Lengthen their dayes tothyglory , let thygracesgrow and increafe in them with their yeeres, perde in themwhatgood tooter thou halt begun,and make mecareful', suer to giue them that contentment in thee, that I may neuer iuí"ly make heady their hearts , or,bting their grayheadswithfurrow t9 the graue: thou,by whofegoodfpirit it is that I have thus prayed, vogchfafe my rotes a gracious entrance into thy moil holy and glorious prefcnet, and heart them inhim, whointhe dales ofhis felh,wasa moltrasapatterne, asofall holyduties, foofchild-like obedience vnto Parents, even lefus Chrift thy eternal' Sonne , the alone hope of the faluation of my Soule, amen: f9