Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

75d elHelpt vnto Deuotron. gaine when Iamreproued,toPie falf_ Thefee-cants Application in plea hood andpicking asa ferpent, toab. ofhirplace. hor all eye-feruiceandmen-plcafing. Letitbeeuer in myhart, thatwher- foeuer I am,I am frill inthy fight:that fothe confiderationofthy beholding me,may be a fpurrevnto fidelity, and areftraint from all (loath and vntru- flycarriagein mybufineffes. Make the credit of Religion pre- cious vino mee : that fo by my truth andvprightnefiein my eourfe, I may adorne thy Gofpell, and may neuer glue iuft taufe to make thy holy and glorious Name which Iprofeffe, to be euillfpoken off. And, O tord, inaf- much as thou haft the hearts of all men in thinehands, turne theheart of mymaltertowards mee, that heemay deale louingly and mercifully with me;and not withmy bodyonly; but efpeciallywithmy foule, teachingme inthofe thingswhereini am ignorant, and admonifhingme there where Igo affray: To rree alto glueamild fpirit, and apliabledifpofition,that I may li. (ken gladly to thewords ofinflrueti. on, and may rcioyce to hue where the means is ofd to conuertandwinmy, foule to thykingdome. Andthough tt Mould fofall out formy triall,that my mailerfhould beemore froward, and hard topeleafe, moroftraite towards me; andmorewithout refpcet ofmee then is fit Yet; OLord , let not this makeme to remit ought of mydutie, butgrant me torémernber,that what- foeuerI Thandoeinfinglenesofheart; as vntothee, the fame I fhall receiue ofthee; yea, with an infinit recom- pence,euena rewardofinheritance,in thy kingdome. Obeamme thy poote vnworthyCeruant, not for my owne fake (formybefl defersisthedepthof hell)but for hisfake who to free me from the llauery of the Diuell, eueh onhim the formeof a feruant, tooke IefasChrifl, who is now highlyenal- ted,to raign with thee,and'thineeteg. nali Spirit, oneonlyGod, thiough' outallgenerationsforeuer, Awe. THyprouidence, OLORD, and thy wifedome, doe wonderful- ly appeare by thy difpofingall things inany era& and certainorder. Some thouhaft ordained torule, andTome to obey : fome thou haft estrufted with the gouernment of Kingdomes, tome with the orderingofprivate fa- milies: It is thy pleafure to lift vp tome to bee commanders and ma- ilers ofothers, and to keepe fomein a lower ranke, tobee feruants vntoo- thers. All are appointedby thee in fome fet courfe of life to ferne thee and thou refpeéteftdùtie, and proui. deft for thy glory outof the molt in- fenour; as well as from thofe ofhigh- eft degree. And me, O graciousGod, amongfr others, thou haft reached unto, by that thy gouetning Spirit; wherebymolt fweetly thou direeteft all things : andhere thou haftcalled mee to the conditionof a feruant in thisfamily. Let me notmurmure, I pray thee, that I amriot aduanced(as others)toa higher frate, butremem- bermeofmyfmall deferts, who can not challengeatthyhands fomuch as aplace to breathein vpon earth. O let me thinke me happy, whohaue lì- berty,though in a loweltate,to learne toknow thee, andtobeebroughtout of thebafe bondageof mynaturevn- toSatban, tobee thyfree-man,anda partaker oftheglorious libertieofthy children. And 'concerning the dudebelon- gingtomyplace, teachme toaccount my Mailer worthie of all honou andto&hauemy 'ilkwithalirefpeCt vntohis,perfon, knowing that euen hee,inregardofhis gouernment,bea- reth theimage of thyfoucraigntïe.: -and that the contemptagain& him', doth reachfo high, itsbecome acon- tempt againf thy Maieftie. . Enable mee to the (hewingof all faithfulneffe and diligence: make me careful! topleafe inall things, to be- ware ofmurinuring,andanfweringa- The