el. licit,/ vntaDeuotion. tíi vp (webefeech thee) the breaches of thy Church ; make the righteoufneffe thereoftobreake forth (yet more)as thelight, and the faluation thereofas aburning Lampe. Continue the flan- ding,and increafthenumber ofthofe feeing Watchmen whom thou haft placedvponthe. Wailes of Ierufalem: Stirrethemvp,that theycafenot,day nor night , Working theworkewith which thou halt entrufledthem, and faithfully dilperfing theOvoid of re- conciliationwhich thou haftcommit- ted to them. Kindle in themthe waleofSamme that they mayfay, fod forbidthat me fhuldfinagetinf the Lord,andceeppry. insforthepefie, &ffeu themthegood andshe right may. Make themwith Paii tofay, Vkee vnto vs ifweep,eachnot the Coffell. And bee pleafedalfo tobleffe their endeauours,and to proffer their labours,by gluing them adoore ofvt- terance, and by preferuingthemfrom vnreafonable and mill men, that they may from everypart ofthelandbring many fheauesinto thyberne,and that dailythole that are ordained onto life eternall maybeleeue: Andforacon- tinual fapplyand :unary tothyChur- chesamongft vs, bleflethe Vniucrfi- ties and Schooles of learning : letnot thefe fountaines,O Lord,be poifoned with any leaven:butgrant that the doarine which is according to godlineffe, being taught andprofeffed in them in frncerity , by the young plantstherefpri;igingvp, thedecaies ofCongregations abroadmaybe te- nsed,andeuery place mäybe furuiln ed witha Paftour afterthyownheart, which may feede the people with knowledge,and with vnderftanding. And(Lord reflraine and reformethe greedinesofthofe whichmuzzle their mouches which flQuid tread out the Borne, andbringforth the foodofthe votothepeople,whichrtfpe&'nòtthe Leuste,but abridgethe hierofthe la. bourer, andfay one to another e Le Nsteakfroour rpo fi se the haditar,en, of God. Throughoutthe Land;& among allthe inhabitantsthereof, plant the true knowledgeandfeire ofthee,loy- altie to their Soneraigne, obedience to all fubordinate authority,loue andre_ cerenceto their fpiritnall guides, vni_ ty ofaff&ion,mercy and compafsion either to other. Andfnalinoch as(O Lord) we hauecontinuaexperience ofthemaliceofthe diuell, in lowing the feeds of fcdition and treafon in messheartsand in railingvp the foss ofRelial tooáer-eaf (ifit mightbe) the faire-day- ofour peace, with a cloude ofhellifh con£ufion : weepray thee, withoutwhom no enterprifes canbeeflablifhcd, tomake void their hopes,and to difcouer theirpraâifes, and (as thouhaft hithertoeuenmira- culoufly done) to turn their devices epos their owneheadsfortheir oWvne confufion. There come daily out of thatpit ofRome, many I.oculls ; and from that Sea, there islent amongvs a continuall fpawne ofneweoüfpira-. tors ; theft encourage themfeluesin' wicked purpofen,theycommune toge- ther to lay loares, mifchicfethey 'ma gine againfl the quiet ofthe Land. It vexeth them to fee the thriuingofthe Gofpell,and the growth ofthytruth, andtheydoe euenbreathe out threat_ sings and flaug7ters againfl the pro. feftoursthereof. Letnot,O!.ord,theit imaginationsprofper,let theireies fall out with looking for that daywhich they haue longdefrréd : Letthyhand, euenthyrighthandfind themout:and ifthey belong not vnto thee, made them like a fiery mien in the timeof thineanger, deflroy their fruit from theearth,andtheir feedfrom the chil- dren of men, put them apart, and make readybhe firingsofthybowe a.. gainft theirfaces. And asfor vs, O Lord; fuller vsmottoWahrWanton twiththeblelingsofpeace,nortofor- get to render to theeaccording othy rewards beflowed:but grant that thy kindneffes maybind vsmore ftrongly vntothee,andthatwe mayrefolue by thy ggrrace tofame theefaithfully, who withvsdealeffogracionfly, andthat inandfor ChriftIefus faké,thySopnë and ourSauiour,e4inen; YY y 3 .sp?'rayer