Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

762 efHelpevetoVeuotion. ATrayerbeforemeat,. Anftifie, OLord, vntovsthevfe aof thefethycreatures, ofwhich by our finnes wee haue made our felues vnworthie: Makevsfisher andth'ank- full partakers ofthem ; grant that the endofoureatinganddrtnking, may be to bebetterenabled toferuethee in our fcueralt places , through Iefus Chrift, Amen. Anotherof 1ikenature. Lord, it is not breadwhichwee liseby, butthe word thatpro- ceedeth from thymouth : lift vp our hearts, tolooke vnto thee for ablei=. fingvpon ourmeats, and vouchfafe vsthe gracious affurance of thyloue in Chrilt, thatwee may comforta- bly vfe thycreaturesaspledgesofthy fauour, andbeeprouokedby them to glue vp our felues to thy glorie, to feruethee in fincerity all our daim, throughIefusChrift our Sauiour, A- men. Another. 1Vmble our foules before thee (O Lord) and caufe vs to fee the fmaineffe ofour defers, euen in tefpeet ofthe leaft of thy mercies; Make vs tohunger after Chrift, by whom onely the free vfe of thycrea- tures isreftored tovs : andgive vs to enioy theft blefsings here prouided forvs,with thatreuerenceand fobrie- tieasinthy prefeuce : thatour bodies beingrefrefhed, our foulesmay praire thee, who artthegiuer of all good, and thatin IcfusChrift the righteous, eAmm.. Another. TEachvs to remember ,. Omerci. fullGod, thatitisthou, which to vs and to all thy creafµreS,,.gi weft foodein due feafon : foWlig may take heedeofall vnthankfulland brutifu Wing ofthere good things whichin thy prouidence thou haft or- dainedfor vs.Raifevpour affeaions, to long for that foode which .Iefus Chrift bathpromifed togive vs, who isthyonlySonne,and ouraloneSaui- our, Amen. Another. TAkefrom vs(O graciousFather) all gluttony andexceffe, all car_ nallfeeding withoutfeare,all minding ofnone but earthly things,all retain our bellies, without prouiding for vup foules : Makevs mindful) of thypre- fence , andcarefull foto behaue our felues in receiving thefe creatures fet beforevs, that all thatwee doemay beeto thyglory, and thecomfortof ourfoules, through Iefus Chriftour Lord,Amen. e.47hankrginingaftermeat. C jVEEmagnióethy name, O Lordforall thecomfottabl refrefhingwhichth u haft nowvouchfafedvs. Pardon,we befeech thee , ourgreat vnthankful. neffe, make vs tobeemore thankful! then heretofore, andcarefulitoPhew the truth of our thankfulneffe in the duties ofobediener to thybleffedwill. Saue all thyChurch,proreft and bleffe our gracious King and his Regimes, ourmolt hopefull Prince,and the 'rat oftheRoyal) Progeny : grantpall-age to thy Gofpell, comfort to thy fer_ uants,andpeace ofconfcienceto vsall in Iefus Chrift, Buren. Another ofthefame nature. BLeffedbethou (OLord) for theft and forallthy gifts. Letthy mer- cie toour bodies ; nitrevpthankful- neffe in ourfoules : and let ourcare topleafe thein "ourhues, bea witnes otbe feelingwehaue ofthy rich and abundant -mercies towards vs : Bee grracious'to all thy people, thorow tiwworld;:forgetnot thefe Realures nor thineAnnointed, or Soueraigne Lord and-King the hopeful! Prince, and