Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

. eXHclpeuntoDeuotion. and the royals progeny; difappoint ofcredittothyGofpell, andofmuch theenemies ofthy Gofpell, and make comfort to thy Scruants. Prefrue ittogrowin defpite ofSathan, to the thyChurch, prate& thiswholeState, gloryofthy Name, and to thereioy_ and the chiefe head thereof King cing ofthe foules ofallthy Seruants, lames, his Heise, and whole Pofte. for Iefusfake, , erfmen. ritie; theConnell, theNobles, the Magifrafes , the Minders of thy e mother. Word, comfort the hearts ofall thy Servants", fabfifh vs all in thy truth, 1,VEe returnevnto thee with the andkeepvsfor ewertothyfelf,Amm. bowingofourhearts , all pof- fiblethankes (O gracious God) for enueher, thy loueand bounty towardsvs , thy vnworthieferuarits,foreleâingvs,for A Cceptwee ) raythee, (moltlo- fending thy Tonne to die forvs , for wingFather this ourfacrifice of calling vs vnto a liuely hope by the pralle,which for thefé and all thyfa- Gofpell, for creating, forpreferurng, uours,wee hereoffervpynto thyMa. fat feedingvsat this prefent. Oftirre ieftie. Looke eposirin ;he worthi- vs vp togive ourfelues untothee, and neffeofthySonne,and forhisfake en... to confecrate our whole fpirits,foules, able vs toa cheerefull feruing thee in andbodies to thyglorje, all ourdales: figgleneffeofheart,and tovprightnes Sane all thyChurch,&c.érlinzhefirfá of conuerfation all our daies. And Thankefgioing. lookemercifullieupon thewhole body of thinecleft , lining upon thisearth eílnozhe, wherefoeuer. Multiplie thymercies vponthefeuerall Churchesvnitedvn. A Sthouhaft filledour bodies (O der- the gouernment of our gracious ,[.Lord)withthy good Creatures, King, poureout thy graces upon him farreaboueourbelt deferuing, Cobee and his, continue the truth ofreligion plealidwee pray thee, to reafon our tovs and our pofterity, enlarge the foules, and toendue vs with all fpiri- Kingdomeofgrace, and halten the tuallblafsingsinheauenliethtngs ,that Kingdomofglorie,andpreferue vsby inall our life thatyet remaineth, wee thy power thereunto throughIefus maybemeanes ofglorieto thyname, Chrift ouronely Sauiour,s Omen, 763 F C. I S.