Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

A Relation of the manner ofM. Hierons death, Pent byhis Phi Lion to a Friendofhis. SIR Doubt not but care this timeyou haueheard ofMr. H I E It O Iu S departure. Iwaswith himmoll part ofhis ficknes,which was one whole.Moneth : He had the Stone;but died ofaCardtalegía, a difeafein Orificio. Ventrículi. Hee laymoll part ofhis ficknes excee- dingSilent, often'mes notánfwering whenhewas af- ked aquellion; and fometimes weepingbitterly upon this occafion, a faithfull Minifter tenderingvnto him fome wordsof comfort;hisanfwerwas,Therewas a great myll betwixt himand that happinekhe.hadlookedaf- ter, in that hehad beena partial' Judgeofhis ownelate, and had thought better ofhimlelfe then he deferued : Andat thattimeherwouldnot beevrged to fpeake any more. But the 'rhurfday night before the Sabbath on whichhedied, he began to be fomewhat liberali inhis fpeech; expreflìnggreat peace and inward confolation;