Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

eif `Rel4tion of I asked himhow hee did, hee anfvered mees A very weake man. By howmuch weaker youare in body, (laid I) by fo much themore you mull labour to bee ftrong in thefpirit, as I prefume you doe : I thankeGod (laid he) I haue laboured, and doe labour, and I finde my labour is not invaine : I hauemany things to fpeake that way, butnow I want a tonguetovoter ,them, yet fomething I mullfpeake : I wouldnot harle4t^r4oìtght (faith-he) that my death is hopeleffe, fótthonghl'haue lyen all this while fi)ent, as you bane teener, ,,/e:my thoughts haue beene token vp withmatter ofgreater confequence; and now I thankemyGod my foule is full ofcomfort, I doe verilybeleeue I fhall fee the light of the Lord in the L and of the lining, But what aml, or what is my fathers houle, that God fhould deale fo gracioufly with my foule? bee bath called mee vnto the Stateofgrace, fitted nee in myeduca- tion forthe Miniflerieofhis Word, brought meein his appointed time to the praEìife thereof, giuen meefome reputation in it, and bleffed myLabours in Tome area_ five vntohi people : Heehathnot dealtthus witheuery one,no not ofhis own chofen:IIpeaken of boaflinglie, butcomfortably; not toextoll my felfe , but to mag- nifie the goodneff'eof myGod : I know whom I haue profefíed, whom l haue preached, whom I haue be- leeued, and now I fee heauen open and readie to re- ceiuemee: Being freed from all care, except for my peopleafter mee. I with, ifGod were fopleafed, that nothing Ihauetaught them, might bce the fallout- of death vnto deathCO any of them; But myowne finne bathbeen the caufe that I haue feene no more fruitof my Labour in their Gonuerfron;vet it may be, another may come after me (as the Apoflle faith of himfelfe ) andreape that i haue fowen. I confeffe that in publike I haue beenfomewhatfrrll inrearoofe, in admoni- tion, in inflruElign; but in privare, my backward- neffe,