TheTable; Setanumberfor the mollpartfmallessl.z6 B fi Chrillians, mho. 65 Bibl,wly takenfrom thepeoplein popery. 91 Tiling of Clod is a part ofhi. 7 irituall wor/hip. Ioo Boldnefeought to bein Gods (`Hinters. 236 Bonum eft fui diflilfiuurn. 1 o0 Bondage tofn,thebafefltauey. 48 t Brother takendiaters matesin Scripture. 323 Bridegroome,howagreeing toChriil.468 Brittaine,bywhom andwhenfirfl comer- red. 556 Buftneffeought not tokinder ourlabouring forknowledge. 489 C CIlled toanyfermiceofgòdareaccar- dingy withgiftsfurni flied. 98 Calling,atryallofottrgoodnefe. 246 Calling,necejärry. 412 Callingofthe Church neceffary to make, a lacefxll (inter. 511 Calling ofthe Churchnetfoufcientfor the being faMinifler. SI.I Cananifrng offaints inhlfriiitvegan;57o Capriolescarriage. 710 Careoffànding therghtway, necefaryto faluation. 4 'Caretoprofit by thecrofe,leauesableJng 98 Certeny inreligiontobe labouredfor. 5 Cerrtentjòffaluation mingledwithdoubt-, ing. 316 Cefarsfpeech ofondyingingreat debt.436 Changeoftateto beforethought of. 474 Cheapning thetruth andnotbuying re, re- praued' 50 ChildrenofGod oughtto imitatetheirfa- ther. ChildrenofGodrhtítdependangods pro- 35 S -Child ofGed'tmòmetiesfcalled. 314 Children ofthe datell,mhyfocalled. 314 Child'afCrdMayhnorehimfèlfeto befo. -Cháltdre»tobeedefired,thatGodsChurch maybeenrreafed. 409 Choldren,m19, fard tobe atthearrowes ofa trongmatt. .. . . ..,:,:, ...,409. Choiceofourl.ue,howtobemade. 468 . Chrifl fully furniJbed f rtheworkeofre_ demptian, 10h Chrisfully able to confound his enemies. 1I0 ChriCwhomme beleeue, thefame which mat fore-told, 1II Chriil, thenoblet that corer mat. 111 Chrits deathwasffrctched to agespall. 123 Chrisblood thoughlona tnce Jhed, how offorce nowforpurging fourfnt. 523 Chrillscommix into the world, aprinci- pall eoùlenceofCodsmercy. /55 .Chrilhach power and mill to bellowhie fpirit onhis children. 202 Chrifl ardour ovinefaluation, hamto bee refjefledbyno. 295 Ch-rill, hornaBrodegraome. 468 Chris praiedaswellforother Chrillians. asfor peter, thattheirfaith fairenot. 623. 624 Chrifianity needeth circumi/elfion. 03 Chrt'anity no conditionofoutwardgreat- neffe. I I2 Chriiianity, noeafiematter. 396.135 °briilliant areWarriors. 233 Chriflianityin truth, dfirowi to dìfcouer otfef. 2.84 Chriflianliberty, what. 482 Chriflianecontant dependance an preach-. mg,and labouringbyall meaner toenioy it.fauespreachingflosscontempt. 587 ChurchofGod onely inffety. TO 2 Churchesgood, a/waycaredfor of god. IIS Church, why called Catholi /. 554 ChurchofPratetanto long beforeLuther. .Churchafemy bie thepnblikeMart.544 TheChurch (for thetroubles thereof) t likeal/tip on theSea.. 641 The Churchesaftitliorumake Godspower 'moo/mercy beknown. 641 The Churches affiglions worke forher ''good: three reafensthere. 642 Tlhe. Churchmay be tolled, it cannot' bes "drowned. 64; Circumf eliïon, needittl( 'to a Chritian court . 13 Comfortageing ourDrone wane,. 209 Comfort agatintfn,death, theworld120 Comfortfar aperplexed eonfciouee.. t 22. ComfortabletoGods ch ldlen, tomedtt'dte anhisporter. 177 Comfort