TheTable. `Do£irinemull be tried. Doilrine,which truefl. 545 546 E ENereafe ofClods Church to beaimed at defreófchiidren. 409 £nereafe ofchildrennotto bee murmured at. 4.08 Enemies ofCgod,who., 441 EnemiesofÇodJballperiJh,and how. 443 Enemies of preaching,are enemies tomens faluation. 646 eulightninghad,notalwaies theSpiritac- companyin it. 600 Eilare ofClods childrenis agloriousflare. 350 EFbateofadoptionis vnchangeable. 365 Eternity of God, how communicated to vs. 169 Toomuch Exabbnefe inpreaching,freiu- diceth the honour ofpreaching. 5 85 586 Ecellency ofknowledge. 43 Exceptions agains'bpreaching. 484 Exceptions ofrgnorast menagainfl preach. ing. 484 Exceptions ofprofanenunagainfbpreach- ing. 493 Exceptionsagainfbhearers, accufedtobee worfi ofallother. 494 Exceptions by worldly wife men againFt preaching. 498 Exceptionsoffense learnedagainflpreach- ing. 505 Exceptions againib the mannerofpreach_ gg 530 £xchangeofonefinnefor another, no re-- pentancc. 271 Exhortation to all forts, of honouring preachingby obedienceyeelded thereto. 589 F F54ith confirmed, bynoting the agree- ment ofScrtpture. 114 Faith firengthened, by confidering Gods nane,lehouah. 171 Faithnecfary to the partaking ofthe Sa- craments. 288 Faith for. partaking ofthe Sacraments, howflrreforthnecefart. 289 Faith offame k?ndvnprofitable. 29 z Faith is allthe cuidencewe hauefor our faluation. 293 Faith ought to beexamined,whether itbee ofthe right or no. Faithof whatfore maketh vscapeableof faluation. 294 FaitHof whatkind maketh vs capable of adoption. 356 Faith howit bringethvs to thisadoption. 6 Faithhowwrought. 356 Faith is tobefoughtfsr,pofffngvsofbet- ter things,thenhononr,riches,pleafure. 631 Thenotfailing ofFaith,byChrifl prayed for,isthe Chrisliam rock,ofcomfort. 631 Faithfulnefe of Gods tAfinirtenr, are- wardedofthe world. 237 Fallingfrom Faithmaintainedby finefe_ mewl!obieFlione;butfullyrefuted. 627 628.629.630 Fallingfromgrate, refuted byfurtherar_ guments. 63o.631 Fallingintofamefnne,whatejfebl it ought to hasse. 727 Famoufnef/efoundedon well-doing. 413 Famose,how caxfed. 636 Fathers,how tobefbudiedofa profeforof `Dinoniry. $ 31 Fathiersltefbimonies, how to beevfedin theabtionofpreaching, 532 Fathers duty. 679 Feare two-fold. 130 Feareof Gods Maiefly,how wrought. 176 Feafbsat marriageslawful!. 47z Feafbs where the feareofggodbath Beene wanting,eanfes ofmuchmill. Æ72 Ft.44uratiue/feeches,whenallowed. 290 Theflefh is aninf(rument, whereby Satan worketh men incefanty tofnne. 619 Forefathers exampleinmatters ofreligion nofurewarrant. 487 Forgiuenefeoffinnet what, 18, Forgiucnefeof finnesexclaymedby diners Scriptures. 181 Forginenefeoffnnesfoundedon the merit ofChro/I. 181 Forfakt'ngof inse mtíf dermal'. 272 Forfaki g ofshe wickedby godhath three degrees. 457 Forwardn ff inrelépisosneccfary. 504 Freedome f om ijiritnall bondageimplies ferutce 293