TheTable. Hinderance ofour obedience,thefeuerall bindsthereof 63 Holinefe oflifebringeth happinefe after death. 668 HorneoffaluationChrifistitle,andwhy. 168 HopeofaChriflian,what. 465 Hope indeathexceeding comfortable.466 Humi/i yneceffary tofaluation. 7.29 Humiliationfor thefinner ofoarTrogeni- tors,requifite. 195 Humane learning;how tobe regardedofa Studient in¶iuinity. Husbands lone to thewife. Husbands duty. Hypocrite,what. Hypocrites likeRowersin aboate. Hypocrites,how difcerned. Hypacrifie,eehat of elt ithath. Hypocrifiehowremedied. 531 470 679 57 76 244 7'9 719 I`Dolatrybrings godscurfeonmen,po- flerity. 194 Iehouah,the nameofGod, hownot known to e...Vbrahmn,Ifaac and lamb. ,68 Iehouah, what itnoteth oat ontovs. 167 Ihoeeah, thefouoitaineofetermty. 169 Ignorance nottobe delighted in. 158 Ignorance ofthe timesaceufed. 298 lemmamensexceptionr againfl preach_ mg. 484 Ignorantpeopleareinwofullflate, aswan_ tang the Spirit. 598.599 IllufionofSatan, how diflingnifhed frorrs theteflimony ofGods Spirit. ;6o Igfufciency ofman toferuegod, which is proved. 129 Impediments inour chrifliancourft,what withtheir remedies.. 16 ImageofGodinwoodorflone,odiour.169 Impenitentfhalldecertenlypuni/led. 188 Imputationofaril's roghteoufnefe decla- red. 464 Impiety, though now more oppugned by preachingthen infirmer times, why now it moreaboundeth, 496 Joyprofan,withthefruits thereof. 430 Johnin whatfenfefaid toheno `Prophet. 145 ley inthemeanesáffaluation, thegreatefi My. 473 leyprofane , tobeauoided,with reafont thereof: 431 layfpirituall,with the authar,meafure,per- petuuy,fresitsthereof 430 Joy ofgods people is groundedon thepre- -fence ofChrifl. 473 Irreligious paremf,thedeadliefl enemies to cheirchildreo,..' 193 Iudgemene day,howpraisedthat it Jhallbe 189 lodgement day,howit ought toaffetl va. lodgement day,why called; Thedeel iñ$ onoftheiuîi judgement ofgod. 189 lofliceofgodvindicated,though4iepunifb the f visesofthefathers vpon,&c. 192 loft auermach,Ecd..7.18.expoonded.5o5 loo/lice ofGod ie motcertaine: 401 K KEyeswhich the Lordreferueth inhis ownpowerthat they be. 408 Kingdome of hearten taken two waits. 250 Kingdome ofheauen tobee oaredinthie life. 25r Knowledgegotten6ythe?obi*2W.inifleej ofehe Wrd,ismoil accptableto god.47 Knowledge tillit worbunthehear's, is vn- profitable. 8 Knowledge ofScripture, howfarforth re_ gnifte toa primate Chrií/ian. 488 Knowledgeofthe `Dotlrineoffaluation is eafie. 489 SavingKnowledgebathtwo properties the firfl,eoperimentall::Pond/ , tending to pratlice. óoi Olen may Know they haw receiuedthe fpiritofgod. 596.597 L LAuerofbraffefor Aaron andhisfins towa/bin ,what itfsgmfteth, 75 Lawhow whollyviolated, ífonecomma*. dementbebroben. 242 Laughtertwofold. 429 Learning to read is eafie,wbere there isa de fire. 489 Learning requifiteinapreacher. S 3o Leuitie office. 514 Lifeofman compared to aTheatar, and thevfethereof, iz Lfprefent,srhetimeofgodefeseíte134 Lifetobetonferratedto ggod,tbwhy,17o An