TheTable. eA'neui(l Life,what it e;,ehataTreachery milllifemaheth preaching vile. 585 LightinScriptureswhatitftgnifzeth. 16 o Lght,bywhatìnífrumentit is çonueÿed. 16o Light,mtiilefl itAineth, tobemadeoft of 16i Lightrequirenvalki%aschildren oflight Little light cfknówledge(morebaing thir- fled after frnterely) jhould not dC/ieee rage. 599.600 Lomaswellreprefentthe Topes clergy. Loffes,haw to be borne. 7o7 LottoofGambol', with the market. there- 374.375 Lone ofGodrWord, bywhatfignesdefeo- tremble. 215 LoueofGod iscattle ofour hapines. 37o Lome of y od, howrefirainedorenlargedto- wardehis children. 372 Loue f CCodhoe, quickned inve. 374 LoueClod atone all, andourneighbour atour, ere. Xfarrefomfitfftientknow- ledge. 487 Loueofthehrrsbandto thewife. 473 Loueof thewifetoward the hruband. 47; Lothingoffinne,homwrought. 20 Lightpinesmake heartypurity, mot true mfperituallmatters. 490 M MAgW /ratesduty. 678 agiflratet tentations. 746 Malicefemetames taken verylargely. Mafuioufneffe,hewrefilled. . 724 Manbynacrewhollycorrupted. 417 Marriageought tobefantlifiedbyprayer. 404 Marriagenet threefanllífod,roher hurt it taueth. Marriage bringethanecefty ofcohabita- tion_ 406 Marriages, hem they may buildgods Church. 410 Marriagefrans laufoll. 472 Maiefly ofthe Scripturesprimed. 8, Maáefiy f theScriptures,howdrawn into contempt. 117 Maift' ofcod ought to markefeare in vr: 276 -Marker tithe leseeofgod. 37ví Maf fe as it is nox,whenfill invie. 569 Mailersdritÿ.-:.. 679 Matter ofdaily than¿ fe ulnesforaprinate man. 694 Mitones ofdby ged toe greatft matters. 274 M,eaìtesoffaluauionought to be 4.113 Meanerto increafeingrate. 675 Meat iobhwé fahit,whatregrareth.677 Men intheir natteralle./late, arelikeon- taught filbes,: 6 Mercy ofgod, the fountainofivhafoeuerr belongstoourfaluation. 104 Mercy, atitle gïuento thewhole moryof ourfaluatioro. 21 Mercy ofGodwhereinit conffieth. 179 Mercy ofgodit eafy to bee prefxned on, buthard to beaffixedof. 1 g2 cítitercy ofgod, towhomtebepreeechedr. 182. Mercyofgod,how a motiüétorepentance. Mercy of God be7ongtnot to the impeni- tent. 190 Merit ppfed. 122.150.273 MeritofChrífl,is thefoundationof remáf flanoffinner.. 8 Meffenger ofSatan,what itliga¡feth.33 e Miniforo duty. 678 Minifleaare boundbyall good meaner to aduance the honour ofpreaching. 584 Thehlini/lerrcallingis:weeffary tofaue rnenr/bales. Mimflers callings are fullof labotira4nd 3 toy/.e. Mifersidlenesisthebaneofthe Church Mi'nfere tettetoufn ffetaxed. 645 cik'inEery of thewordirleaff ofallregar- ded. 'niflersought reuerentlyto difenfethe Word. 75 Mánifleryis nobale office. 494.146 1Ylmellsreefgodought todraw difcrplerto Chrifl. 147 MinEeryet netffary. 147 (Ibrei/eryoftlie Word,why compared to curare. 258 vLh'ni/lerrmulï be able toopenthe Scrip- turer. 149 (Ils'niferemullpreachfamiliarly. 149 MinillerebadIfe, nofufcient argument againffpreaching. 49 a Z er x;4 Miniffers