The Table. Piety therefor,comparedtoPhyfiche. 2 Pithy plainn f, is thebeauty ofPreach- 5h6 pnhy7'eterisfpeciallÿmentionedin Chrifls Prayer, that faithf :ilenot. 624 The notfailing of Petersfaithpraiedfor, is noargument thel'ope cannot erre. 624 Pleaftng one fines -in Or time courfes, fearefull. ` 4 Place ofour dwelling,mull be thefpeciall .ft:btec7ofoarwell-doing, = 414 Pleafure isa bait ofYgtans; laidto catch Ghrellians. 6eg Pharifies many of themnotof the Tribe.of Levi. 514 Pollicy in C'hreianityreproued. 247 Pooremans duty. 68o Poore inanetentation. 741 Popi/h Religion feemirs,Q to reciraine the fefl, one waies, gineth moreliberty ano- ther. 549 Portion ofthepoore.hoorvfnallyfpent.3 90 Pais-er ofGod comfortable tohis children farmedoeseten. 077 Prayirïg exernptetbi notfrom hearing. 491 Prayer esinferior topreaching. 583; 584 Praierforfaith, may make vsrefcluewee hauefaith. 632. 63 2 Preacher, whoa. , 5y; Preachersbad lines , noargumentagain// preaching. 492 Preacher bath nobafeoffice. 494 Preachersfor their owncreditsfake,fhould not equallreadingwith preaching. 506 Preachers fuficient by all likelihood to fern ifhparticular Congregations. 512 Preachersmayerre, though preachingbe Gods word. 520 Preacher, how to temper the matterofhis preaching., 536 Preaching,whatit is. 522 Preaching if no addition to Gods word.7 3 Preaching the word, is alwaies éfeíivall toa cheerefullhearer. IS Preaching, why folittle oflluall. 282 Preachmgthe word ought to accompany thefaerament of73aptifine. 306 Preaching the truth, alwaies accompa- niedwithrefs (lance. 479 Preaching theword, why d'fikld. 479 Preachinghoman occafonof ;me. 495 Treaching,notto becharged,thoughfinnes aboundnow enoretheninformertimes.49 ç Preachingbreedethdiulfion,Çwh 497 'Preachingwhy fuehe cacie. 458 Treachig,theordinaryinfl-Twine' t offn-1- nation. 500 Treacheonyffound.,per f rmedwith asgood judgement as wrirtng.. 504 Preachingnot abfolutely necefarf tefai- -- elation. 502 Preaching thoughbÿ mo/{ contemned, yet oughtto be reverenced. 904 Preaching to befarpreferredin the Church ,before readino. 507 Preaching doch not derogatefrom rho 'd g pity ofthe word. 516 Preaching is ofvfeto thofewhich are of moll vnderflandìng. 517 Preachooçio necejfary, though theScrip turesbe plain.. 5.17 Preaching isnecefary,thouglrwithout ex- poftion, the9teaningrnighcbee'attained. Preachingfound is as certaine the wordof 8/od,astheword written. 518 Preaching ofTaulis fubiell to thefame trial/ that othermens is. 519 Preaching bringethmen tobecteraffurance ofthefcripturer. 520 ?reachingfer forth by fouer words on the trece Teflarrent. 522. Preaching flrange now adayes in many place,vfed,reprooued. 533 Treaching; why termedfooli(lines. 534 `Preaching oft,not tobee negle /ted, though loathing in the hearers,follow. 5?7 Preaching, the principal/ exertifeofthe Sabbath. 538 'Preaching oft, andpreachingfound, may goe together. 540 Preachingoft is needful/. 540 ei1Preaching Mi/ei/lér ought to be emery Sabbath ineuerytowne 579 Preachingnot dependedon,we haue(ordi- narily)noaffurance f faleiation. 58 o 581.582 'Preaching is thechi f ofall Gods. ferui- ces. 5g3 Preachingthe Jo.ifellislikeanet inthree re{fefts. 646 Preachingoften hash (as f (bin )badfuc- ceffe. 646 Preaching (ao anetfpreadout) encompaf- fethfou/es. 546 Satanhelps tofurtherPrefumption. 617 Prefumvp.-