The Table. Prefumption reone extremetySatan temp- Publikepreachingioynedwith publiéerea. tethveto. 617 ding. 514 7'refermentisanotherbaitofSatans.619 PuniJhmentofthewicked,mof certen.401 Preparation of awing incumbrances need- Purgatory, the nature, receptacles, vfe full toeCkrillian. 16 it, meanerhowfoulermay bedelivered Preparabionforaffliítions,howto be made.. fromit. 666.667 7o5 Purgatorie isagainfielldolrine toPaper Prahiifeof our hearing, how tobemade. 667 Purgatory irafainedthing,andthere isno Preparation toPrayer,wherinitflandeth. footing forit in allthe Scripture. 667 679 Poerchafe oftruth, *hat things cox-time Preferuatifies againfl Poperyfor themea- with it. 42 norfort. 62 Puritans, whoproperly. 553 Preferesatiue genera& againfIall hinde- Puttingoff 'fbooes,whycommandedtoMo. rancesofobedience. 64 fes. 71 Preferuatiues againgAtbeifine. 64 Prefence of Chrifie thegroundof the ioy of ggodr people. 473 Prefumptionitisnot to be afuredofour Vouching theSpirit, whatit 6 faluation. 3 59 1.L Prerogatiueeáf Cgodtchildren,what. 351 Specialtiesof Prefumptionhetemptethto. R 617 Trief,how onlyagreeing toChrif. $69 n Af/me ffeinPreaching tobe wielded. Prideofnature, howfubdued. 373 jl 0 Pride inappareil,howremnued. 725 ReadingScripturesprivately ,needful,soo2 Primatemen onghtto examine that they Reaeiingprivately,not to beeyualledwith beare, 544 thepudliéetítilmifery. 502 Privatemaw duty. a 695 Readingprivately, lefefuitfull then the Profaner carriage. 710 publobt liniflery, andwhy. 504 Primate reading, apreparation to thepub_. Reading,farreinferiortopreaching. 507 likeminifey. 5o3 Readingpublike inthe Church, cowmen. Privatereading,whyleffe fluitfullthen dable. 508 theprblikeminillery. 503 Reading isnot preaching. 521 Prophesying,what it meanetb;takenfriol- Readingcannot bee pressed preaching by ly;or as itif in theNew?ëfament. 577 thejeTexts, Nehem. 31.11.1 z.and 578 8.9.2Ki0g.22.2i.19.Iohn20.3r. Proceedingingodlineffeosneceffary. 10 Iohn5.47. io. Proceeding inggodlineffe, howprocured.! z Recreations, howto bevfed. 677 Profefforeought to takeheed ofdfracing Recompenfepromifed leftweJhouldfaint. thewordby theirbad lines. 76 26 Premifes of godare vnchangeable. 125 Reconciliation with god , maketh death Propergraces ofgods fpirit,which. 200 comfortable. 959 Promifeof godisour title to happineffe. Redemption implies obedience. 106 221 Redreffeofiniuriet , haw tolefought.187 ProfefonofChrifianity neceary. 285 Reformationmullbetotal!. 273 Prouidenceof godtobe rifled-on. 35 Reformationmull beperpetual!. 271 Profefionmug beaccompaniedwithgood Regeneration, how theworke of theholy . workee. 386 Ghof. 423 Profperitymay befall the wicked, 450 Regenerate man, is a fpiritnallman. 425 Protfattyof the wockednotpermanent. Regeneration, hue dfcerned. 426 45 i Religion ought*be pratli feddaily. 134 j:ublikereading in the Church allowable. Religion ought to beepratltfed tothe end 50& ofour dates. 134 Religion