The Table. Religion confifls in alias', not inverb Y feffon, 137 Religion, to bepratlifedinfncerttie. t 39 Religious arefeweflon number. 266 TrueReligion ofurethoffainitionimme- diatyotiter death. 668 Rem onoffnnes, what. t 5; Renuffán,of. Jinxes, howobtained. x53 RenouncingofformerJinxesauedfull. 268 Rendingareafnnofour faith eoeedful.2 97. Readineffehereinneedfull. 298 Repentance, schahs theftrfi degree there- of Repentauee,how eaufedbyconfederationof god: mercy. 083 Reftloationinagoodway prefotly tobe fee vpon.. 6 Refolattontofiriot crin!finteneceffary. 36 Ré/alance followeth preaching the truth. z Retainer/to' Çou°, who' 337 Reward, two-fold. 153 Rewardofgadliueffe. 39f Retüardafgodlinej iscertaine. ?96 Reward,yet nogroundformerits. 396 Rewmdf lbooreth norprefcntly theprat!f ofReligion... 397 Repentance is noexchangeof one fannefor another. x71 'Richesnot tobe refled 453 Riehvngody mannot to befeared. 45; Rich mans duty. 68o Rich nzamsentations,with remedies. 744 Righteoufneffe,ewo-fold. 318 Righteoufnef of theGofpell, what things accompany ir. 318 Righteowman,hawmany wadestak:464 Rghteofnef eof(brig,imputeddto a fanne declared.. 465 Righteous over-much. LcdeC 7. t 8. ex- pounded. 504 Romerimpurity. 566 SAbbathr exercifer. 698 Sacraments contemned,anoteofa de_ ffr ' -83 Sdccrament,, whyto be defired. z8; Sacraments to bee admino/hed by thofe which can teach thecomfortablevfe of them. z87 Sacraments adminilfred by vpreaching cîi?in f err aretrue facraments. 523 S4.'uation!land inremijTonoffnnes.t51 Saluationmrou htby Chrf,ie vnchange_ able. 156 Salvation, why termedthe Lords. 20 Saturnian f condarey, Chriflprincipally to bedfinedofvs. 295 Satiety ingoodthings dangerous. t x Satan,winnowing Chrfians, what it is. 604 Satandefireth to winnow allfortsof Gods people. 604.605 Satan (tempting toPanne) worketh upon the naeiueberetofoureorrooptions. 6 r9 62o Scriptures fufficiency. 71 Scriptures excellency dizterfyletforth.74 Seripturescertainty, howprimed. 78 Scripturatumiucifugos. 8; Scripture,howkowne to be godsword.8; Scripture miracxlosefly frointime to time preferoed. 8 Scripture, Clods letter. 8 Scripture, whycalledTef7imony. 118 Scrapture: how known to /seethevoiceof god. 118 Scripture, Interpreter of itfife. t 18 Scriptureto be expoundedbyf1pture099 Scriptures in the original/ tnngùefirriply bell,yet tranflated,beff inrelieb!ofPs. 519 Scriptures,horbthey haste a/feakingvoice. Scripture,the oeielyfudgeofdollrine. 545 Scripture, howto beeviedfor trial/ofthe truth. 545 Scribes andPharifhes, manyefthemnot of the Tribe of Levy. 514 Seven Sacraments , when firll in the Church, 569 Sellingallwehaveto buy thefield, what it importeth. z68 Selling truth,what it fignifieth. 60 Separation among men effeíled by the word. 238 Separationnowmade, flal!!land forgood atthe dayof iudgement. 240 Sentences of Fathers and Heathenmen, when tobevfed. 53 x Sermon, what it reyuireth. 524 Sermons ofilfofes,Prphetr,Chrifl, Apo. files, though they maybe read infcrip_ ture,prouenot reading, preaching. 52z Sermon,how itmay beplaine, yetlearned. 534 Sermons