TheTable. Worldlycaret, howmittigated. 718 Theworldit a powerfull inflrumentto ac- compbfh Satans tentation. 618 The eflate of the world isAir the Sea, in forerereffieî {s, 639. 640. TheWorld is not to be lotted, and why. 640.64.1 Word read.,wherindifiringfrom theword preached. 45 Wordof God, howPaidto bewritten. 77 Word, whywritten. 81 Word, notwrittenbefore t....34-of writ it. 81 Word written, ought naw tobe our guide. 8s WordofGodought todwell with vt. 91:. WordofGod, hamto behandled. 236 Word,makethfeparationamongm000.2 3 8 Wordfeparateth between amanandhim, fete 239 Werd, howit caufethdiffention: 239 Word preached to achearefall hearer, is do-vibesoffri/tooll. v 281 Wordpreached, why fo little offelivall. 282 Wordpreached, bearrthen the wordread, foroar vfe. y i9 Word, whycompared torain. 541 Wordof God contemned,grieuoufypud- /bed. 87 The Wordexpounded, and applied, not read only,, is Gods ordinance tofame man. 578.579 Writingsofthe Apoflles,not propelSer- mons. y Worldly thins bring no found content- ment. 093 Y y Out(4makth not thofe,whoare other. wife qualified,vncapableofthe Mi- Jlory S °3 Toung mans duty. 680 ZEdernature,andnotableefells.6o; Zeale is wofullywanting in VLagi- flratem, Minersandpeople. 603.604 L FINIS. r 0 . 044_ a