Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

tj M. , k ;á''S:+i',EG. .a e, a ., lr.t, aìì, t- THE DIGNITIE OF THE SCRI PTVRE Hofea 8. ta. Ibase written to themthegreat thingsof myLaw, but theywere coanted Ire a ¡frange thing. The Hirt) Sermon. His werfeis, asitwere, the Lordscomplaint touching the The gentrall wretched carelefnelfeofthe fonnesofinen ,whoenioymg itaseot the the greatel't benclite, viz.theblcflhd liberty ofhis word, Tun,. yet notwithkanding vtterly negle h it, and efteeme itas a thing not worthy the regarding. That I may bothfor your profit, and mine owne helpe proceedein handling of it,with the betterorder,Iwill diside irinto two parts; The dioiGon the firk may be not enfirlycalled, Gods bounty, Ibar of ¡time twn written to them the great things ofmylaw; the fecond may betermed,mans impie- Patut tie,bat they werecounted as affrange thing. God bathvouchfafed the freevfeof his word;what greaterbounty ? Men paffe by itasa thingnot worththe lookingto, what greater impietie ? ofthefe two poynts inorder. Thaw, &c. In the firk part we haue twothingn toconfider, íirft the cowmen- TheMtyam dation of Gods word ; fecondly, themercy ofGod in vouchfafing it vntovs: Theword of God is commended unto vs in thefe termes; Thegreat things ofthe Law: Theword which is out of the Hebrew tranflated here (Great)figniheth, honourable,or precioas,or ample,andplentiful): fothat the wordofGod iscommen- ded here by twothings; firll,the plenty,and abundance, andlargeneffeofmatter that isin it ;fecondly, theprice, and excellency,andworthofthe matter. I will fpeake of both feuerally : and I prayyou let vswell oblerue them, that the word ofGodmay grow intogreater credite withvs thenit is. Touching the largeneffe andampleneffe of thewordofGod, I fet down this Doilrine n point, That all neceffary points, either touchingfaithor manners, areebonite/Intl), con- tained andlaidfoorth in the Scriptures; for proofewhereof,that one fay ing ofthe Apokle isfufficient; The whole Scripture isgineta by infiration ofGod, and isprofs. tableto teach,to improoagto corre&,and to loftrull in righteoafneffe' .Nowwhat fpi. rituali occafion can there be deuifed,which is not here mentioned?what matteris there in the wholebody of religion, but it may well be referred rooneofthefe heads; either teaching, improvising, correíli,g, orinftralfing ? fo that the wordof God beeing (officientro all there, is not wanting in any neceffarymatter what- fouler. Tbefethings (faithSaintlohn) areWritten,thatyeemeght bane lífethreagb boa name b; a plaine tekimonie that there isenough left written in theBible, for biafi:o;;r: thebegetting of faith, andfor the guidingof the Couleofeuery faithful) belee- uer unto life eter^.all. ¿gene themmy Starnes(faith the Lord) Ideclaredmy iad&emeuttvnto them, whichsfa man doe hefhall line ', the taking ofthatcourfe cEzeeaota: G a which