Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

The Dignitie ofthe Scripture: ßj7 put it ro any other vfe , eyther toannoynthisowneffefh with it, or tomakea competition like vnto it : The like maÿ befindofahe holy do&rine ofthe Scrip- cure , it is appointed as an holy ogle, tofupple, and torefrelh theCoulesand confciences of Godspeople , and thereforemay not bee diuertedby vs, to any ocher prophane or ydle vfe whatfoener. It isa taking of thenameofGod in vain, and abreach of the thirdcommandement. Thefe arethe vies Ithought good to make,of this, that the things ofthelawofGodarecalled honourable or preciosst And thus muchtouching the firti part ofthisclaufe , thecommendati_ on ofGodsword, the matterofit is very large,and it it,,iwry precious. Icome vino the fecond part of the claufe, touchir themercyof O Dm vouchfafing his word vnto vs, inThefe words ; Ihalewritten veto them : In the handlingofthis claufe,fundry things are tobe opened ; as Srft,How itcan befeid, that Godbathwritten his word:fecondly, why it waa encore. write it:thirdly,when the wardof God beganf+rft tobe written,& how it waspreferaed forthe C ssrchet vfe alIthateime:fourthly, howwefhafbe affsred, that that whichsmote an iosow cal. led the Scripture , istheveryfame ward andprecisss willofGod,which bebath writ. senior he vfe andcomfort of hispeople. Thefepoints aremeete tobe opened, both for the well vnderftandingof this place in hand, and for the feeling ofvsagainft Atheifine, and the periwadingofvsof the authorityofthe Scripture. Time Will not father me to enter into themall now, Iwill proceed as farre asI can. Fitti, howit can befaid,that Godhathwritteniii word. God is Calcite hauewrittenhis word in two refpcdis;firfl,becaufe the tencorn.: How cbE mandements (of which all the :eft that is written in the volumeof theBooke, Scnprorms isbut as it were a comment or expofrtion; theft I fay were writtenafter a recta, faid to bee vnknowne, and vn-vtterab!e manner byGodhimfelfe, according as theScrip- God. by cure doeh often mentionit: It is called tinfinger ofGod ',bywhichaccordingto anxód,;r,r8 the molt ordinary interpretation of the ancientFathers, is meantthe Spirit of Argun. de God: Secondly, God is (aide tohaue writtenhis word, becaufeall the reti that v.,his Ap. Je m. b. was written (thoughmen were the initruments)yet it was done by hisappoint- -1 ñeopbü. ment, andby his afsiftance. Asconcerning Godsappointmenr, wee readehow in Mofes was commanded to writeb;fo was Efay c; fo was leremie a; fowas ezeki- b us.;d.,744 el ;fo was Habacakr; and fo wasJohn, as you (hall scade in thebooke ofthe d .8r. .r. Iteuelation g: And when as Chrift commandedhis Apoftles tobee witnelfes a Tre. r,rs, ofhim, and publifhersofhis truthand do@rinew the ends ofthe earth, and to 7Hab,:z deliuer that , ofwhich the Church ihouldhauecontinuall vfe totheworlds end, doubt he did in that charge infinuate, that they fhould not onely preach by wordofmouth , but tlrouldcommit the fummeof their do&rine towriting alto; that the fame might be preferued to all pofterities. Asit isplainethatGod ap- poynted the writing of the Scripture, foheeafsitted the pen-menofir, by the extraordinary, and immediate, and infallible guidance ofhis Spirit; forwhich wee neede no bettet proofethen that one ofPeters, nowotke or twice alreadie mentioned h: fo then becaufe God writ the Law immediately with his owne h 2 pet-t.2r finger, and then both gauecommandement and orderfor the writingofehe reti, and direeted the writersfo , that they could notmanything indited by them be mittaken; theword is raid tohaue beene writtenby the Lord. The vfe hereofis,fiat,tobeea confirmationto thatwhich I faidbefore,row. Vfe ofahe citing the perk&ion and price of the Scripture; it mullneedesbeanabfolute that the and intire body without any eyther fuperfluityor defe&, and contayne a molt scrip,, necetfary & exa& formeofdo&rine, feting thatGod is the author ofic, both isrheLords: inhis wifedomeknew what wasconuenient, and in his loue wouldnot keepe(e- writinge cree arty thingwhichhe knew to be for the necelferybehoofe of his own chofen, Againe, it can be no triuiall, bare, or vulgar matter which is commended on- tovs, as it were outofthebofomeof eheLord; and for theratifyingwhereof our Sauiour Chrift (pent his macbloud; and in framingwhereof theSpirit of God