78 heDignitie ofthe Scripture. _. Goahath breathed fo extraordinarily. But theprincipall and more propervfe whichwee ate tomakehereof, is, tobean alfurance tovs of theirrevocable and unchangeablecertainty of the Scripture : and that as ourSaviour faith, Bremen i Mar, {.t8. andearth 1ha1pap awaybefore one tittle thereof doefallto theground amfnlfilled i. It is agood obferuationofoneof theFathers ;IfPilate(faith he)being but a man, after hee had let thetitle oiler Chrifts head upon the Crofle, and was dealt with kloh.t9.aa. by the Lewes toalter it,could fay, What ¡hasewrit;en,1baneWritten k,meaning, that basing letit dowse upongoodaduice,he would not change it : much more maywe befure,that the Lordhaving written his will,and let itfoorth totheview oftheworld, as an abfolute ruleunto all, will neuer alter the thing that is gone outofhis mouth. Men alter their writings many times, bccaufe offome oaer. fight or miftaking, or bemire offomefecondthoughts wifer then their former; it were blafphemy to impute any inch thing unto God. Again,there is much failing in theexecution ofmanslawes, either through the remifeneffeof thofe that areintrufted with them, or through want ofpower to goe thorns, with t ape,, 3,9, them. The Lord is neither flack asmen countflackneffii,iaithSailit Peter, neither yet ishis hand Ibottened, that hee Ilrould not be able to fee every parcell of his holy pleafureput in execution. It may feemeneedleffe to infll epos this point, touching the vnfallible certainety and fulfilling of the Scripture, but if wee con. Eider our times, wee fhall feeit is a needfull do trine. For, whatfoeuermens,. ro_ fefsion is, their conuerfation is Inch, that a man may well thinite ofthem, that they imaginethe word of God tobe but an idle tale, a frightfull found toarr eze fooles ; full of terrible threatnings, but yet lighterthen vanity in performance. Doth thevnchafte perfon thinke it true, that whoremongers and adulterers God mHeb.t;,4. WiRjudge'"?Doth the drunkardbel eeue, thatnofilchpall inherit the kingdome of nGal 1.11. God° ? Doth the Amer imagine that there inany certainety in t hat fpeech,that o pfal ty r.t. nofuchfhaflbe received into Neaten °? Doth thecontemner of Gods word Cup. pole,that that (hall come to paffe which 'Paul faith, that the Lord taillinflaming p a Thtft.8, fire render vengeance to them that doenot obey the G ellr ? Doth the defpifer of knowledge perfwadehitnfelfe,that Salomonfpake with authoritie,when hee laid, q Pro.t,aa, The Lordwould laughat his deftrsdlion9? Do thofe that prefume upon Gods mer. a s. ele, and think they mayhue how they will,and repent when they will,giuecredit to that where it is laid, that Thole which doedefpife the riches of Gods bounty, and Awn. 2.44. abaft his patience, doebut heap up wrath tothemfNet agaiftthedayofiadgemene'? And fo I mightfay inmany other things: Is it likely that menthinke there is any truth in the words whicharefo flat againft thofecourts, of which their life isacontinuallpraftife? Sure it is not : for out ofall doubt,if they hadany Inch conceit, and did not rather fay to themfelues as they did in Ieremies time, it is but filet,;. t;. winder; they would humble themfeluesbefore the Lord, for their culls pall, and their future reformation fhould manifefl their reuerend perfwafionof the certainty of thofe judgementswhich ftand upon record in the Scriptures.There_ fore let vsremember this,this Scripture, this word is not adeuifeofman, it was written by God; euery curiewritten in ir, flrall fall upon theunrepentant, and curryblefsing promifed therein, !hall beemade goodto the foule of curry true Weenier. The