Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

The Úignitie oftheScripture. Betides, as ina generality it was neceffary thewordofGod Ihóuldbewritten thaé there might be one certain ruleto iudge the truth by : fo foronemaine point of do&rine it was very behoouefull,namely, to affure vs that Chrili the CosineofMarie was the trueMefsias,wlío being oncecome,nóae other was to be looked for : To fettlevs wherein , there could beedeuifedno more dire&courfe then this,viz :that firfl thepromiftsof his comming thould be recorded, the na- ture and, officeand all other circhmflances ofhis perfon delcribed ; and then the hillory ofall his a&s,hisbirth, doârine,miracles, deathexa&lyregiltred; that to the followingagescomparingboth together, and feeing how euery promife was fulfilled , and curry prophcfiè accomplifhed, might refolue vpon it; that lie indeede was the Chrili; and that their isno nameelfegiuenenderheauen, whereby we may befused. Anetampleofthisereofthewritten word, we bane in Chrift himfelfe, who falling into companyafter his reiurre&ion with twoof f take z q.z; , hisdifciples, who were in Come doubt, beganntat Mofes (faithshe Text Wad éit- teryreted onto them all theScripture, the thingswhichwere Written ofbina . And whofoeuer marketh the courfeofthehiftoryof the Gofoel, [halloften finde;tháe g Mark í4.49 when Come fpeciall a&ion ofChrift is recorded , this; or the like isadded to it; This was done that the Scripture might btfulfilled s, which (hewed howbehouefoil lah.t;.z4. ;G the writingof thepromifes, toucing the ldefsias, was tobeour ground in this mainepoint ; that Chrift Iefus isthe only appointed Saviour of mankind. Here then is the iffueofmy fpeech : it was meete theword thouldbee written,that the Church might neree wanta rule ofreligion , and in particular mightbe feekd in this point,that theChrii,4 in whom webeleeue,isthat Sauiour,vhomwe neednot doubt todepend vpon.Ler vs makevfeof thispoint. P.P. The vfe is this: Our courfes(confidering the obediencethat wee oweonto God) Ihould beanfwerable toGods intents ;frth therefore the intent ofGod in , flung order for the writingofhisword, was the grounding and feeling ofour hearts in the truth of religion; itbecommeth vs to labourboth toconceiue the do&tine of godlineße;CO much asis neceffary to faluation; andin matters that concern the worfhip of God andourowne foules health, not tobuild epono- f misa, conceit, or the traditions ofmesswhatloeuer theybe butoneiy¡spots the Scriptures : becaufe when wee come to giuean account (as weemutt) ofour religion varo God, it (hall not goe forcurrant, 1beleeued, or, Ithoughtthis becaufe rush aone pesfwaded mee, or becaufe thelaw ofthe times focomman, ded mee, or becaufe my fathersbefore mefo thought and from them I received it : but this anfwere only 11mal! beeaccepted, whena man fisall beeable to lay thus ;This my heart bath embraced,and vpon thishaveI built my faith,becaufe God,bletiing the minifleryofhis holyword entoMe, I haveplainely preceiued that it is the exprefledoilrintofthewritten word, and thevery lame whichGod bath left vpon record formegöbeleeue. This is the onelyanfwer that tballbee then excepted of. Asmany therefore as doe deliretohave comfort ofthere reg. glen atthe day oflodgement, mull giue great beetleonto the readingand prea- ching oftheword , and fo inhumility by praier bee preparedto it, that in there fecret thoughts they may conceiue, howthewordofGod is awarrant of there beliefe. Men thinke this isa matterof impotinbility, andcall many perilla (the disci! helping them forward) with many fhiftsto ronzell themfelues m igno. ranee; but hill thelaying oftheSpirit of God is true , Knowledge iscafe is bins IsPmu ta.G, that willvinderßandt", andGod will alwayes giuea,bleffing,andreueale noshis i PGL : s. r4 fecret (as 73áuidfaith) me that fearebins ; , andwill be found ofthole that The teeond feeke himas they ought to doe. So muchofthis Qaettion,and the vfe ofit, why doerine,tou- it wasmeet that Godsword Ihouldbe written. thing the timeofera The nexttetìion necelfary forthe clearingof thisplace, is, When the lbordaf w,idng the god began fiirff to be written,and how tillthat time it waspre(ruedfor theofofGods Stcripwre Ghorcb. Touchingwhich weemutt hale , chIar Mofeswas the lUll writer ofthe word