Hoadly - BX5136 H6

92 The Reafonableneff come to be fcurpled as unlawful, this chapter is as far from faying as any part of the Bible. It fays indeed, You ought to receive thole who are fo little inflructed in the nature of Chriflianity, and fo preju- diced by their former education and prin- ciples, as to fcruple things which are lawful; filch things as do not concern your cufloms, or behaviour at the publickAffeuablies. But it fays not, You ought to receive filch, tho' they fcruple to join with you in your cufloms and behaviour at religious YVorfhip. It Pays not, Ton ought to receive filch as have taken up their groundlefs prejudices f nce filch rules were laid down for their beha- viour ; filch as feem to be contentious ; filch as refufe to comply in mere oppofition, as too many do. It fays indeed, You fhail re- ceive Men, tho' they will not conform to your prefcriptions and cufloms in what they eat at their - own houfes : but it fays not, Ton fhall receive Men, tho' they will not conform toyour prefcriptions and cufloms in their behaviour in God's houfe. In fine, We may conclude from this Chapter, that St. Paul, at that time, thought it more prudent to leave men even to their own unreafonable humours in eating anddrink- ing,than to interpofe hisauthority to regu- late