16 The Reafonablenef ticular refurreaion only : and fignify by thefe words a confident afurance of his happy refurretion ? The ufing of this word in the laß Prayer is fo far fromput- ting this out of doubt ; that it does not fo much as make it probable : nay, there not being other evidence for this, it appears tome rather to prove the contrary. For if the Church , where it undoubtedly fpeaks of the dead perfon, make choice ofa word which maybe ufed where-ever we have not certain demonflration that he is incapableof Salvation ; this leads us to think that if words be here ufed im- porting no lefs than the highell of trance and moll confident expecíation, they were not intended to refer to the Salvation of this particular perfon ; the one being ap- plicable to a vafl number of perfons, of whom the other cannot poffibly be ufed. But tho' tins be utterly infufficient to put your interpretation beyond doubt, yet I think verily I can produce fomething which, if you be truly willing to ac- knowledge it, will put it beyond doubt, that the interpretation I have given is both agreeable to the words, and intend- ed by our Church; and that is the alte- ration of this fentence as it is to be ufed at