Hoadly - BX5136 H6

4 of CONFORMITY. I 2 3 the Common Almanachs, which are there fet down according to the .reformation of the Kalendar ; and the Rule fpeaks of the Moons, as they are to be found in our own Kalendar, according to the account in ufe before that reformation, when this Rule was firfi fetled. Now, tho' the New and Full Moons, in our Kalendar, be not fo agreeable to the Moon in the Heavens, as the New and Full Moons in the Alma- nacks, yet it is hard to judge of the fall- ty of a Rule which refpe&s the Moons in one account, by the Moons in another account. The Rule is true if we under- fland it aright. The Table agrees with it perfeWly ; for it only tells what day of the month Ewer-day always falls, ac- cording to that Rule. and Eafter-day in the Almanachs is the fame that it is in the Table. And fo both fay nothing but what the Rule it felf dire&s. I need not tell you how to find the New and Full Moons by the Kalendar in the Common-Prayer Book: nor is it worth while to fay any thing more upon this Head. 3. You cannot agree to read Apocryphal Leans&c. and therefore cannot conform as Minflerso In anfwer to what you fay under this Mead, I ihali not go againft