Hoadly - BX5136 H6

13 2 The Reafonablene f s the. Egyptian. 'Where then is this con- tradi&ion ? To conclude this Head. The : declaration of Agent and Confent toucheth this Tranflation no farther. than to oblige you to ufe it in the publick Worfhip. And ifa Tranflation, tho' it be faulty, may not be ufed in our Churches; (hew us a Tranfla- tion that is perfef; or one that hath not greater failings than this you have pro- duced. Subfcription obligeth you to fay that there is nothing in this Tranflation contrary to the WordofGod : and there are fo many things required to the proving a Tranflation contrary to the Word ofGod in fuck points as this, that I may fay, it is almoPP impoflible to do it. 5. Ton cannot Affent and. Confent to the AthanafranCreed : and, therefore, cannot conform as Miners. The exprefJïon you fcruple is this, Which Faith except everyone do keep whole and undefiled , without doubt he fhallperifh everlaflingly. Her yougive me leave to fay, that Tou efleer this Creed an excellent explication of the DoElrine of the Trinity. By which you mean, to be Lure, agreeable to the Word ofGod, and to : Truth. From whenceI argue; Ifthis expli- cation be true, and agreeable to the Word ofGod; then it is a goodgeneral propofi- tion,