POSTSCRIPT. THere being Tome who may be willing to f arch into the bottom ofthat un- happy Controverfy that hath been depending almoft ever fnce the Reformation, between the Affertors of the Unreafonablenefs of Separation from the Eftablifh'd Church, and thofe who have acted upon the Oppofite principle, andpleaded a neceffity of Sepa- ration from it : I have been defired in order to theirfatisfation, topoint out thofe Writ- ings of the Former which may be judg'd to contain the f rength of their Caufe. In compliance with which defre, I recommend the following writings to the perufal of the Curious. Hooker's Ecclefaflical Polity. John Ball's Friendly Trial ofthe Grounds of Separation. Bradfhaw's Vnreafonablenefs ofSepara0 ¡ion. 1640. Rathband's Grave andModell Confuta- tionof the Brownifis. 1644. A Letter ofmany Minifters in Old-Eng- land to others in New-England. 1637. Brinfley's Arraignment ofSchifrh. 1646.. Separation Selfcondemn'd in anfiver to Mr. Jenkins. Rob.