Hoadly - BX5136 H6

T H E REASONABLENESS OF CONFORMITY T O THE CHURCH of ENGLAND, Reprefented to the DISSENTING lYlIN ISTERSd In Anfwer to the Tenth Chapter of Mr. Calamy's Abridgment of Mr. Bax- 1 ter's Hitory of his Life and Times. PART II. By BEN JAMIN HOADLYI M.A. teconm eDítfan GLonecteti One , ould have th.ought, that if their Opinions hadbeen cer- tainly true; and their Church-Order good ; yet the in tereff of Chriff, añd ofgreater Truthsfhould have been re- garded ; and that theyfhould nottear the Garment ofChriff all to pieces, rather than it f)ould want their Lace. Mr. Baxter in his Account of the .SeEtaries, Abridg. p. 93. LONDON, Printed for Tim, Chi/de, at the White D'art' at the Weft -End of St. Paul's Church-Tard, f703.