The PREFACE. abate Men's prejudices, and to difof ver the right fide of the Queftion. If in any one _tingle Point I have added the leaft degree of light, or have advanced any thing fates facto- ry ; I doubt not but that you will ex., pre,fly confe f i it : becaufe this is duel, in common juf ice, to the Caufe of Truth. Of theft; thin,-s, andthe like, I do not, in the lea -, doubt, becaufe M they are perreEily agreeable to your Character. ; andthe contrary perfectly inconfrfient with thore Profeífions you have made, andwith the leafs de- gree of Freedom and Impartiality. I have endeavoured to f eak with all plainnef ; that nothing relating to the whole Caufe, may be miTun- derhood, or mi japplied. And [have all along endeavoured to reduce the Controverfy into tho,fe Bounds , within which, I judge, it ought al- ways to be confined. Which Two Things