of CONFORMITY. 9 Indeed none of thefe Arguments, nor all put together, carried with them fuch irrefiftible convidio , or who were n monttration, but tha f theMinifiry before, and thefe none of the aloft inconfiderable, or injudicious,-were not determined by them. Nay,Theywere fo far from thinking it their indifpen- fableduty tocontinue thePublickExercife of their Minifiry, when they were unhap- pily íhut out oftheEflablifhment;that they foundvery weighty Reafons against it, and were induced by them to Peek out fome other ways of being ufefull to mankind: though, if thefe Arguments prove good, I would not be in their cafe for a thou- fand Worlds. For , I doubt, Ignorance and Miflake will go but a little way in the excufing Men from the guilt of fuch crimes, as Perfidioufnefs, Sacrilege, Un- faithfulnefs, Cruelty, Unmercifulnefs, Ru- ining ofSouls, hiding their Talent, mocking of God, neglecting an indifpenjable duty lying upon them as Men, and Miniflers, by the obligation of God's Law ofCharity, and by the binding force oftheir own VOW;, and forfaking that work which God and the necejities of Souls called them to. This will be a terrible charge againft them indeed,